Teen Titans

Teen Titans

Ah this is what I’m talking about, Teen Titans was one of the coolest cartoons I had growing up in the early 2000’s. Robin, Starfire, Beastboy, Raven, and Cyborg (the reason I’m bringing the show up in the first place.)- 5 young superhero friends that band together to fight evil. If you happened to read my top 10 favorite DC villains list, you would have seen Terra on there and Deathstroke on my list of DC badasses but besides them, for a lot of us the show was our introduction to other villains such as Brother Blood, H.I.V.E, Trigun, ending in a huge fight against the Brotherhood of Evil. Meanwhile other heroes popped up like Bumblebee, Aqualad, Speedy, and Hotspot. Teen Titans was one of those rare instances where the goofy anime styled comedy balanced perfectly with thick, grim story lines. Season 2 is a perfect example, introducing Terra as a volatile young woman who can’t control her powers but forms a budding romantic relationship with Beastboy, disappearing and returning at the end, her powers harnessed but at the cost of joining the sinister Slade who we hadn’t heard from his defeat in the previous season. Our heroes are flushed out well, beginning the show almost like archetypes, but growing throughout the show. I’ve always been pissed they never released the full seasons on hard copy, as far as I know, or streamed it on Netflix or Hulu. If you can watch the series, I seriously recommend it as probably the second best animated DC cartoon show I’ve ever seen. May the gaming gods bring you glory my friends.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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