I Feel Sick

i feel sick

I’m a strange individual. This is a comic book for strange individuals. This is a short review because well, it is literally on just a comic book. I don’t know much except it’s written by the creator of Invader Zim , a show I adored as a kid. It’s a dark comedy about the trails and tribulations of a girl obsessed with a painting she created of a doll. That being said, I never laughed so much while reading a comic book before. I absolutely fell in love with the grim, and often vulgar and bloody humor. As for the artwork, it is very reminiscent of Zim but kicked up to the next level on imagery. In such a short amount of time, I was intrigued by the strange story. I admit, this book isn’t for everyone. But I recommend it to my fellow weirdos out there. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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