Merry Christmas

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So I was trying to figure out exactly what to do for tonight, maybe a stand up? Or a game? Or how about a movie? Then I released none of those really felt right. See its Christmas eve. Now I am not a religious man outside of the gaming gods and they don’t really have holidays. They love and respect all holidays, but don’t really have any of their own. So tomorrow morning I will wake up with baby savior and the rest of the family, exchange gifts and do all the things most of you will do. Then me and  @torstenvblog will head over to my moms house and have dinner and watch some horror movies as we normally do for Christmas. Yea we have developed some odd traditions over the last few years. So no, tonight I will not use my usual night time post to entertain you with my bad grammar, misspelled words and horrible opinions. Instead I have a request. Some of you will do the same thing I am tomorrow and go out with your families. Enjoy that, maybe have a drink for the Savior. Some of you may just stay home or feel alone. Sit back, grab a snack do your thing and remember you are still awesome and Savior Gaming loves having you around. Even if times are hard they get better. And if you just need a friend, hit one of us up on Twitter, join a stream, drop us a comment on a blog post. We would love to hear from you, best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory, and a Merry Christmas.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

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