E3 2018 EA thoughts


Despite some early showings from Battlefield V and Unravel 2 being revealed and launched at the same time The EA conference was quite dull. The good things were really good, but the bad things were just really bad. For example the choice to not show any Battlefield V gameplay but give a mobile game about 15 minutes of time was a terrible choice, and I have constantly defended mobile gaming, and always will.  Another odd choice was the Fifa tournament at the very end, why was that even remotely needed or done? Thousands of people watched that just to see if anything came after. (nothing did)

There was some great things tho, like the revelation that next year we will get a new Star Wars next year called Fallen Order as well as new DLC for Battlefront 2. All things considered, the entire conference to me was a bad start to E3 and I hope the rest will be much better. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

4 thoughts on “E3 2018 EA thoughts”

      1. Same, I played it a ton when it first came out and a quite some more towards the end of last year. The campaign was also a nice surprise, maybe next year we will see something 🤞🏾


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