1st Summoning (2018)

1st summoning is a movie about a group of filmmakers investigating a town and the rumors that if on October 6th at exactly midnight if you perform a specific ritual you can get an answer to any question you want, for a price. So they pack their gear, hop in their camper and drive there, interview some town members and a priest and head to the warehouse.

The issue is, the movie sucked. There is no nice way of saying it. The movie struggled between trying to be a sort of mockumentary and a legitimate movie about them making one.  The characters themselves make no damn sense, the priest is creepy as hell and sets the plot up nicely but then he is just gone. The one female character is basically made out to be kind of a slut because she dated two of the 3 guys in the group. She constantly disagrees with the idiotic ideas they have, only to do it herself anyway.

The movie is also boring for 90% only to get exciting at the very end, and then never be explained how or why things happened. There is also a necklace that again, never explained in any capacity. There may or may not be a demonic element, or it could just be human interference. You are just left to figure it out with no real info and for no real reasoning. I was actually glad this movie ended. There is no real reason to watch this, Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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