3 From Hell (2019)

3 From Hell is the Sequel to The Devils Reject’s and picks up right where that movie left off. The opening is about the trial that takes place about a year after these three miraculously survive and is sentenced to life in prison for multiple counts of murder and numerous other things.

After this, we get bounced to 10 years into the future so we can see a documentary being made. We see how they are all doing, Captain Spaulding has lost a lot of weight for example and Baby is quite honestly frigging nuts, like totally off the deep end insane. Otis, however, is still just Otis.

Speaking of Otis, we need someone to escape to get this movie going and he will be the one to do it. After he murders a bunch of guards and other prisoners the plot to try and free Baby will come into full swing. Baby meanwhile has her own issues with a prison guard named Greta. It is safe to say the two don’t get along. Baby breaks her nose at her parole hearing and Greta tries to have Baby murdered.

This movie is getting pretty mixed reviews and honestly, I don’t see why. The story is solid and the acting is great. Baby nails her role perfectly and Otis is fantastic. I don’t want to give to much away about the story because there are a few bits I didn’t see coming and having seen it as a double feature with The Devil’s Reject made me remember how much I enjoyed the series as a whole. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

2 thoughts on “3 From Hell (2019)”

  1. Nice review! Not seeing it in the theater but planning to stream when it comes home Oct 15. I wrote a double feature review on my site for Corpses/Rejects a couple years back for Halloween.

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