Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker has been a pretty divisive movie among fans, tho it has been another successful financial movie. So, of course, I and @torstenvblog went to go check this one out for my birthday as always with these releases. Truthfully, I don’t understand the hate.

First, the movie obviously isn’t perfect. It has its issues and they are many. The pacing seemed off as they clearly were trying to make this movie not three hours long. However, I enjoyed the movie.

The story while not perfect was fun. I enjoyed seeing how they ended things with Princess Leia and watching Kylo Ren come to terms with who he is. The fight scenes looked great and watching Rey train and learn was fantastic.

I am keeping this short because I don’t want to touch on the story too much or risk spoiling things and most importantly, ignore reviews on this one, even mine. Go see it or catch it on Disney Plus when it comes out because some people seemed to have loved or hated this from day one, and I doubt anyone can truly be nonbiased about it. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.


Author: Savior699

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5 thoughts on “Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker”

      1. I sincerely think Rise of Skywalker is the best that could be done to tie up the new trilogy after the last Jedi. I am curious where Disney will take it from here. Not necessarily hopeful, but definitely curious

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Another issue I think is with the fans themselves. (Myself included) we look at the orignal trilogy with nostalgia glasses on and forget or ignore all the issues they had. If we are 100% honest, they were exactly well written or well made movies either. They were mostly just fun and (for their time) beautiful movies. Its what star wars has always been. Many fans just got older and forgot that.

        Liked by 1 person

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