Cats (2019)

Cats (2019 film) - Wikipedia
Cats (2019 film) - Wikipedia

Oh boy everyone…that’s basically all this review is going to sum up really. There is plenty to say and I feel WTF sums it all up really damn good. First of all, I actually like musicals and I respect Andrew Lloyd Weber for making something this bizarre in the first place; I’m sure we’ve heard the stories of Cats 2019 and are wondering how true they are. Is Cats a masterpiece or a bust?

So Cats primarily (we’ll get back to that) follows a abandoned cat who is left on the cold streets where she meets a host of other Gelical Cats who sing there way to a better life…

So yeah Cats is pretty much a dumpster fire as a film. Again, I respect the musical and as a stage show I think it works. If they made a animated adaptation I think it could have been better than this. Everyone is nightmare fuel to look at. The off-putting sensation you got from the trailer never goes away and during the more sensual dance numbers, I felt pretty creeped out; the dancing cockroaches made me shiver. This movie is full of truly talented people who feel really out of place here- Ian McKellen, Judy Dench, Idris Elba, and Rebel Wilson to name a few. While their presences are baffling, no one is this movie doesn’t try their ass off. Jennifer Hudson, despite the hideous effects, steals the show for me and she almost brought me to tears with her rendition of “memory”. The format of the story is fluid which hurts it; we get characters for a song, they disappear, rinse and repeat. While the characters look terrifying, the sets are great and again, I must stress this sincerely, the cast tries their asses off to make something out of this. In the end, Cats is a disaster that deserves to be seen to be believed, if not for the spectacle than to appreciate the work that went into it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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