Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite Demo review


So after spending, some time with the demo i have to say my mind is changed on this one. I didn’t much care one way or the other about this game. Don’t get me wrong, I love Marvel, and i enjoyed Mega man as a kid and love me some Resident Evil, I am just not a fan of fighting games.

First lets get this out of the way, the game looks beautiful on my Ps4 pro running on a 4k T.V.  This however is no surprise as both items are designed to do this. i didn’t notice any frame rate dips even when there were explosions and characters everywhere. the explosions looked and sounded amazing as well.

This brings us to the playable characters themselves, and the number you play as in the demo is nice and includes the likes of Mega Man, Thor, Captain America, Rocket Raccoon, Chris Redfield and quite a few others. All of them were smooth and easy to control and feel different enough to make it worth switching between them in the 2 on 2 battles. It i also super easy to pick up and play but it is far from easy to master. My first fight or 2 was basically me smashing button and switching between Mega Man and Captain America, but by the time i was using Thor and Rocket Raccoon i was intentionally using special moves and countering attacks. Now i will openly admit most of you will beat me at basically any fighting game, but there this one is absolutely designed to be played by noobs and seasoned vets alike and  very much think we will see a ton of competitive play on this one. So as always thanks for reading, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

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