Why I Don’t Buy The Season Pass

Here is a topic that seems to be done to death, so I decided to kick that horse one more time. This one will be short and sweet, honestly I have two issues with season passes.

  1. Any time i have to buy stuff without knowing exactly when i will get it and what it will be it sets off a red flag for me. What if i don’t like it? What if it delayed or comes out at the same time as other stuff i want to play? Basically the answer is it sucks to be you.
  2.  Many times you are essentially buying whatever it is they choose to give you, and once they have your money really what is their incentive to give you a quality product. That really is all I have to say on the subject. I have bought a few “gold: edition games and have always been disappointed. As always thanks for joining me, feel free to leave your thoughts, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

4 thoughts on “Why I Don’t Buy The Season Pass”

  1. I think that’s one reason why I never got the season passes. The other one is…they are pretty expensive. I’ll just buy the regular game with no gold edition, metal hard case edition and all of that. Just let me buy the game without to much extra sh#$ and I’m cool lol.


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