Primal Survivors Xbox Review

  Primal Survivors from Old School Vibes is a sort of bullet storm twin stick shooter. Think Vampire Survivors. Don’t let that comparison fool you however this is a much smaller budget game and isn’t anywhere near as in depth. But is it as good?

The game lets you choose between one of two weapons,you can either chuck bones or rocks at the enemy. They are similar except one is faster and does slightly less damage. Both are perfectly viable options and you won’t be putting yourself at a disadvantage by choosing one over the other.

As any long time reader knows, when I review games I only compare them to other titles in the same genre and at a similar price point.

As you level up you get new abilities in the form of cards,each with it’s own little perk so to speak. Some will let you collect souls that summon help or will give you more damage or faster attacks. Many let you burn or poison enemies. This is where the strategy and randomness comes into it.

The game looks solid for a budget title and it does lack enemy variety with there only being a handful of them. There are also only 3 bosses but each one is quite different and will take some skill to get the best of. I don’t say any of this as a bad thing, the replayability you hope from a game like this absolutely exists, there are permanent upgrades to get different builds to master and play with. Everything you expect from the genre is present.

  As an added bonus, with the short run time (10-15 minutes per run) it’s very friendly towards gamers that just don’t have a lot of time. And with that time there are 1000 game points you can rack up fast. I got about 900 in one run.

As anyone knows when I review games I only compare them to games in the same genre and at a similar price point,and here is where this game sort of gets punished in a way. The game is solid,I enjoyed my time with it a lot. And I truly hope the devs keep up with it and add more to it. But the game is being compared to Vampire Survivors.  They cost pretty much the same amount and vampire survivor is a much better game with far more to do and play with. This game is a solid 7/10, and if you are looking for quick points to up that gamer score this is for you. Or if you want to scratch that twin shooter itch with something faster to play this is also a great option. But there are better options. Best wishes and may the Gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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