The Good Place (Season 2, Spoilers)

Season 2 of The Good Place picks up where season 1 left off. With them all-knowing what’s going on, Michael had to wipe their brains and started it all over again. Turns out this is about to happen over 800 times. None of the scenarios are entirely the same but certain aspects are the same. For example, Chidi always ends up helping Eleanor tho sometimes they are just friends and others they are a couple. The comedy and moral and ethical questions and the comedy continue.

By midway through the season, however, Michael has lost control of the neighborhood and has become working with our 4 main characters. He is even taking the same ethics classes with Michael as Eleanor in an attempt to be more human and trustworthy. They will, of course, get caught. The season is great and manages to recapture the magic of season one quite well. So check it out, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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