Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure

Ikonei Island is a cute and cozy little life sim with some pirate battling elements to it. There is plenty to keep you busy however.

The game starts with you and some friends becoming shipwrecked on an island. The island itself is quite large,I believe 14 areas in total. Each full of animals to discover,pirates to fight, statues to fix and things to build.

The game is honestly very well done if not a bit more geared towards children. I don’t say this as a bad thing,simply a warning for those that may be looking for a more mature title.

The game play itself has a nice loop and learning pattern of swapping between characters (if you want) planting crops, feeding animals which you can possess to do things you need to get done such as pollinating crops.

  The game itself is fun,if not a bit flawed at times,such as when you are fighting and your view gets blocked by rocks. Nothing major but small things like this happen enough to be annoying. The game is a solid 7/10 however and is worth playing. Best wishes and may the Gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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