The Center of the Galaxy


As some of you may know I decided to make the long trip in Elite Dangerous to Sagittarius A, the center of the galaxy. After hundreds of jumps and probably 12-20 hours I finally arrived. I’m admittedly not sure how long it took since I mostly was busy putting a ship together and planning my path 1000 light years at a time. The first picture was the super massive black hole at the center. The next is the view looking away from the black hole.


All in all the trip was very very long and very uneventful. That being said i saw tons of interesting things, some of which literally nobody else ever has, and judging from the fact the game has around 400 billion systems no one may ever see them again. If you are very patient and have plenty of time to spend i’d suggest making the trip. Now all that’s left is the return trip. As always thanks for your time, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

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