Lucifer 1-3 Impressions


As some of my early readers know, or friends even know I enjoy the Television show Lucifer. It happens to be based off a DC comic book character and I decided to check it out. Lucifer is 75 comics long as far as I can tell and I am about 3 in, so It is safe to say I really can’t give it a proper review so this is just my first impressions so far.

First the Lucifer character himself is very different than the one presented in the show. He really isn’t as whimsical or easy going, he is actually kind of a dick. Funny, but still a dick. He also seems to have some sort of a weird plan going on, he isn’t simply solving crimes because he is bored. There is actually something going on in the background that is building towards something.

Mazikeen is also vastly different. She wears a mask and so far speaks a strange language that at times almost seems English, but isn’t. She is still a demon from hell. The comic is very adult, there is nudity and violence and doesn’t shy away from things such as Neo Nazi youths beating up a gay man and shoving a bottle in a certain lower orifice.

So far I am enjoying the series even tho I am by no means a comic guy. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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