The Outlands: Child of Wrath Comic Review

Not long ago I received an email from Patrick Hockey Jr. from Legacy Comix asking if I would be interested in checking out an upcoming one shot comic they had coming up. It is hopefully launching a new series and ties into a trilogy of books. They involve a group of misfits just trying to survive in a sort of world where there is really nothing but suffering and injustice,in one of the last cities on earth.

The Outlands:Child of Wrath is short, only 8 pages. But it gives you a glimpse into this world they are building. The city’s name is Dios,and it only has two rules. 1. Don’t stand up and 2. Don’t stand out. And you learn very quickly the punishment for breaking these rules is death.

Darius Karr dares to question someone called “The Patriarch” about why if they are blessed why do they suffer so much. This results in Darius being executed, and Vic swearing to avenge his father.

Where the story goes from here I do not know, but I am truly hoping to find out. The city of Dios is intriguing and the story does a great job of giving you just enough to get you interested, without giving away so much as to ruin the stories it is supposed to be connecting. So definitely follow the link below and check out their website. (Savior Gaming does NOT receive any compensation for purchases you make and are simply supplying the link as a courtesy to readers)


The Job #0 Review (Comic)

So I sat down to read The Job # 0 that the fine folks over at Legacy Comix sent me. You may remember they sent me The Job #1. This is a quick read first to check out first that I also enjoyed,and really explains more about how our favorite wrestler and his wife Bev operate as bank robbers. It is actually quite interesting and I won’t spoil it as it is a quick read. The art work however is magnificent. Feel free to check the link below and give it a look. (As always Savior Gaming does NOT get any sort of commission for any sales,we just provide the link for you if you are interested.)

The Job #1 (comic Review)

The job is a comic from Legacy Comix and is written by Patrick Hickey Jr, and the pencils,inks and colors were done by Steve Cange.

I was actually sent a copy of this (and another surprise coming up a little later that I can’t discuss) by Patrick Hickey Jr himself. Legacy Comix isn’t a company I was or even am familiar with, so I was excited to work with them and I am grateful they sent me The Job. Even more exciting for me was discovering the story is about a professional wrestler that is also a bank robber. Many of you long time fans of Savior Gaming may be aware that I actually am a former Professional Wrestler myself.

Delicious Dan Dero is a professional wrestler,and his wife Beverly Dero acts as both his manager in the ring,and getaway driver and partner in crime when it’s time to rob banks. Dan however uses the bank robbing to pay for his addiction to professional wrestling. (Most of us used jobs at warehouses or working security in bars but hey he beat the system)

On this particular night,Dan is working the champ Ramirez. What is supposed to be an 8 minute squash match for Dan to sell and make Ramirez look good turns into Ramirez being too drunk to really perform and Dan having to do most of the work and make Ramirez look good.

A small injury and a pissed off promo later because Ramirez is too drunk to stand and Dan suddenly seems to have taken his career from 0 to hero.

Meanwhile on the bank robbery front,it turns out Dan’s true talent is working with his wife Bev and robbing banks. The police are stumped as to how this bank was robbed in 45 seconds or so with every camera being out of service. But like Dan’s idol the heart break kid,he has one hell of a super kick.

This is my first experience with Legacy Comix, and I have to say the artwork was nice and the story was fantastic. I will admit that as a former worker and life long wrestling fan this was basically made for me to enjoy, but I know plenty of people like me would love this one as well. Check it out at the link below,and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

(Savior Gaming does NOT receive any compensation for the link and only provides it as a courtesy to our readers)

Thor: Love and Thunder

So Thor, the loveable God of Thunder, has been through so much over his MCU journey and is now trying to find himself again. He thought hanging out with the Guardians of the Galaxy and losing all the weight would help but he finds himself in a rut until he learns of a new foe on the horizon out to slay every god. Along with Korg and Valkyrie, he finds himself joined by two old friends he never expected to see again, his ex girlfriend Jane Foster wielding a recontructed Mjolnir….

So remember how Thor: Ragnarok was a perfect mix of feels, laughs, and action? You ever wondered what that mix would look like gone horribly wrong? I present you: Love and Thunder. This movie is painfully unfunny. It tries shoving cringy jokes down your throat at breakneck speeds, 9/10 not landing, while also trying to be really dark and serious when it comes to Jane’s terminal cancer and Gorr’s rage. Christian Bale tried his ass off nd honestly, he was my favorite part of the movie although they really bitched Gorr down; I spent a lot of this movie wanting to hug Bale for giving it his all and going down with this dumpster fire. Everyone else is alright except Russel Crowe as Zeus, who was really miscast. The CGI is just ugly and the soundtrack becomes annoying really quick. Speaking of annoying, FUCK those god-forsaken goats. The fights are meh and the ending is just- sure, sure movie. This may be one of the shortest MCU flicks but holy crap it dragged. I tie Thor 4 with Black Widow as worst MCU film so far; those that complained about Thor: The Dark World , well, it just got a thousand times better. Taika Waitti is a talented director; I’m still in love with JoJo Rabbit and Ragnarok was really awesome so I’m hoping this was just a really bad fluke. Regardless, just skip this disaster. May the gaming gods bring you glory, or at the very least kill those annoying ass goats.

Loki, season 1

So where does the God of Mischief go with one of the most powerful artifacts in the known universe? Well, not very far because shortly after the events of Avengers: Endgame, he’s easily captured by the TVA, an organization designed to keep the flow of time and events on track in every timeline. Moebius, the agent in charge of Loki’s case, presents him a deal- help the TVA track down a dangerous variant running amok through the multiverse and maybe not go extinct. Things may not be all that they seem as Loki comes face to face with Sylvie, his female counterpart with a bloodlust for the TVA that could bring darkness across time and reality…

Ok, first things first, I love Hiddleston as Loki. I always have and always will. But I seriously think this six-episode series could have been condensed better into a two-hour movie. I fell asleep twice during my run of the show. It does pick up in the last couple of episodes, especially the finale, but holy shit to get there is an utter slog. I will say I loved Jonathan Majors as He Who Remains and I’m now excited for Kang the Conquer’s debut after the end. The acting is solid, the score is good with good effects but the pacing murders all of the good. In the end, you could honestly find the best part of this series on Youtube and I don’t think you’d be missing much. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Sandman Netflix Review

I am going to get a few things out of the way before I even start. I am not a reader of the Sandman comics. I have read Lucifer (comes from Sandman) so that is the only character I will mention any accuracy on. (Spoiler alert, the guy that wrote the character and helped with the show did great)

Another thing I will not get involved with is “woke politics” if you have read Neil Gaimans work you knew what you were getting into. This was his stuff before being “woke” was a thing.

Also it’s Constantine as in TINE/ WINE not Teen. Him and his comics said so.

Ok now that we have that out of the way,on with the show. It all starts out pretty trippy as you would expect with a series about an entity known as an Endless, Sandman (also called Morpheus) and his family exist to rule over certain things, Death,Desire etc. Sandman attempts to find an escaped nightmare and Magus who is upset over the loss of his favorite son casts a spell to trap Death and instead catches Sandman.

This is actually only the first episode and encompasses about 100 years of his imprisonment where is mostly stripped of his tools and powers. The rest are locked away with him inside of a magical seal which he can’t really escape.

This does an excellent job setting up future episodes, done as chapters, by letting us know the Endless are all extremely powerful but are not gods. They make mistakes,they change and grow as living things and most importantly you should not piss them off.

The show can’t go on without his escape which does eventually happen much to the regret of his captors. This will bring us on a journey to gather his tools back which includes sand, a mask and a sort of amulet. This brings me to my first issue.

Going into this we saw all sorts of previews and posters discussing Lucifer ( Gwendolin Christie) and Johanna Constantine ( Jenna Coleman) both only appear in a very limited capacity. (In fact Jenna technically only appears once as 2 different characters with the same name) and this really seems almost like a bait and switch. Clearly the show is about Sandman ( Tom Sturridge) but to make them seem like costars only to have them barely be guest appearances at best seems a little dishonest.

That aside, every character is played amazingly. At first I was a bit worried about John Constantine being done away with completely but him being gone may actually be an improvement. ( The John Constantine character could not be used for legal reasons so he was replaced with Johanna,another character in his family from the comics)

Morpheus and Johanna

Before I get more off track however, finding his tools is how he meets Johanna and later Lucifer.Johanna happens to now own his sand which she happily returns, if by happily we can say as happy as anyone would like to visit an ex-girlfriend that left without any notice or phone call. And Lucifer, well Lucifer is the devil. Her and Sandman basically kick the crap out of each other and he gets his mask back as Lucifer swears to see him later.

Lucifer and Morpheus

I won’t go further into the story because I don’t want to ruin it, but for something that is only 10 episodes I was hooked from start to finish. It is absolutely worth checking out, just don’t go into this expecting anything other than a dark (and I mean morbid) story. Morpheus is not a hero, or even a villain. He simply exists as a force of nature in control of a realm. He isn’t Batman or the Joker or anything in between. He is just there to do a job,and sometimes people get in the way, other times he can help. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

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Thor: Love and Thunder trailer 2

So here we have a pretty damn good look at Thor 4 and honestly, for me, I’m liking Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher as my favorite part. I forgot how intense he could be and I like how eerie he comes off. Besides him, I can’t help feeling like I’m watching the trailer for yet another MCU movie. Either way, I’m sure it’ll be a decent movie. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness

“Are you happy, Stephen?” is the question haunting the master of the mystic arts after the Snap. People have died because of his actions in allowing Thanos to succeed for the greater good, and lives are in disarray. Christine has moved on, Wong is the new Sorcerer Supreme and he can’t help but feel the guilt leading to Thanos’s defeat. During Christine’s wedding, Strange and Wong rush to face to face a demonic entity chasing after a teenage girl, America Chavez. America, born with an alarming gift allowing her to openly travel between the Multiverse is on the run from a demonic force wanting her powers. Strange turns to the most powerful magic user on the planet for aid, an Avenger, only to find himself face to face against the broken, vengeful Scarlet Witch that will do anything to get her children back, even if that means destroying the Multiverse to do so. Can the former Sorcerer Supreme stop the fallen Avenger?

Holy Crap, this movie is a trip. I loved it but I also love Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch; this is totally a Marvel nerd movie. There’s a lot going on but I never found it hard to follow. There is a lot of ambiguity and plenty of room to speculate which I appreciated. The movie has a shit ton of disturbing, frightening scenes and a hell of a lot of fan service for fans of Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn without skipping on being a badass superhero flick. Elizabeth Olsen absolutely steals the show as Scarlet Witch, becoming a tragic villain after the fallout from Wandavision . Honestly, the whole cast was damn good and a lot of the cameos, 2 of which I got giddy for, I hope make a return in the MCU. The visuals were insanely epic and beautiful and frightening. With all the good, I am going to say again, that this movie is going to be a cluster if you aren’t up to date on the MCU or have a foreknowledge of the comics; this is NOT a movie to shut your brain off to. In the end, Dr. Strange 2 was a damn good time and a superior sequel I recommend checking out. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law reveal trailer

Oh dear…besides Ms. Marvel, I’d heard nightmare stories on the development here. I think comic She-Hulk kicks ass; this iteration made me cringe. She-Hulk herself looks really off and the CGI isn’t really convincing. I’m glad to see Tim Roth back as Abomination but that’s kind of the best I got here. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Green Lantern: Beware My Power trailer

This made my week. I do get particularly giddy over new Lantern stuff. I’m ecstatic this is a Jon Stewart movie and I love we got Hawkman from the upcoming Black Adam movie to voice him in this movie. I’m excited because the designs seem to harken back to old JLA animated series days. I can’t wait until it hits HBO. May the gaming gods bring you glory.