Justice League Dark

jla dark

As someone who isn’t too deep into magic, despite my love for Dr Strange, I had a lot of fun watching the R rated animated JLA Dark movie. After a grim series of murderous crimes the JLA can’t explain, Batman sets off to visit British occult expert, John Constantine and his old friend, Zatanna to try uncovering answers, coming across the Deadman, Etrigan, and Swamp Thing in a winding mystery of demons, dark magic, betrayal, and a epic finale.

I was deeply surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. Right off the bat, I’m impressed how the R rating came out; there is no heavy language past shit but instead it’s for the themes going on mostly. There is some disturbing crap in the beginning- if the fact you almost see a woman try to kill her baby, who commits suicide after Batman saves the baby unnerves you, this may not be for you. The characters were done damn well and as for plot, it’s surprisingly strong but at times it feels slow and sometimes it can be a little hard to follow if you aren’t familiar with the source material. In the end this is one of the best animated DC movies in my opinion and well worth watching. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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