Hannibal (book)

Hannibal (Harris novel) - Wikipedia

Seven years have passed since Clarice Starling brought down Buffalo Bill and Hannibal Lector disappeared into the world. Clarice persevered through the ranks of the FBI but one raid gone wrong has plummeted her from grace; over the years Lector has stayed with her, writing her but still unfound. His past victim, the twisted and deformed Mason Verger is out for revenge against Lector at any cost and paths are going to cross, but is the real evil Dr. Lector or his former victim?

Now as I had to say with my reviews of Red Dragon (book) and Silence of the Lambs (book) I’ve never seen the movie but I’ve been told numerous times it wasn’t one of Ridley Scott’s best. I will say the book is a damn good read and a pretty bleak but strangely beautiful end to Clarice Starling’s story. I really liked Lector in this book, who is portrayed as almost an antihero compared to Verger. Verger was my favorite villain of the trilogy; he was pretty much a sick bastard who got worse and came up with a pretty messed up revenge plan. The book is the longest of the three but it flows really well is paced pretty good. I’d say if you really liked the other two books, this is good finale to the story of Hannibal Lector and Clarice Starling. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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