I Still See You Review

I Still See You is a 2018 movie based on a book that starts off with what is truly a terrifying premise to be honest. An accident at a lab, due to a Hadron Collider, causes a massive explosion. This explosion kills a ton of people and leaves behind remnants.

The remnants are basically ghosts that go through these small loops every day at the same time in the same place daily. For example one old lady crosses the same street every morning at the same time in the same way. Now however everyone can see them.

You can’t really interact with them and if you try they sort of vanish and they don’t even know you exist. They are even governed by 3 laws that have held true since the accident.

This is sort of terrifying honestly because imagine this in the real world, a mother or daughter dying and then simply showing up for breakfast daily or having to see a murder over and over again in your home.

This is also where the movie falls to pieces because the entire plot revolves around this premise falling apart magically but only for this girl and her friend while nobody notices and also those laws that have held true for a decade not being laws,but only in this situation.

The acting is fine, Bella Thorn does an admiral job doing what she can to keep this convoluted plot together. And her co-star and love interest Richard Harmon have some good chemistry. I’d like to see them together in a movie that doesn’t fall apart at the half way mark.

I didn’t hate this movie, it was a pretty average experience. I’d actually watch it again if my friend threw it on. I simply hated that what started out as a great idea that could have been terrifying so easily decided to simply reverse course and say everything they spent time establishing as true was a lie and did it in such a lazy way.

I won’t spoil the movie for you, as always I do hope you will watch it and make your own decision and come back and let me know. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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