Manic Mechanics Xbox Review

Manic Mechanics from 4J studios is a fast paced,but a little short, jaunt through 4 player chaos fixing cars as a traveling mechanic.

Parts will come down the conveyor belt and you toss them, quite literally if you want,on to a special bench to fix it up before tossing it,again literally if you want, onto the car.

  There is a lot I can say about this game if I wanted to repeat myself a million times,and I really don’t want to do that so I will say it once. The game looks and sounds great,and is a lot of fun to play with friends. My girlfriend and I blew through the 25 or so stages in a day or two and she doesn’t exactly play a lot of games.

Honestly my only real issues with the game are that it’s short and playing by yourself isn’t really an option after the first half of the game and getting hooked up with multiplayer partners isnt always easy. The game is still worth buying, especially if you are looking for a couch co-op game to play with friends and family. This one is a solid 8 out of 10, best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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