Dying Light

dying light

Zombies, zombies, everywhere and too many to shoot. Seriously, zombies are everywhere and like most, I usually pass many pieces of zombie media behind because they cycle through the usual tropes. Question is, does Dying Light stick out of the crowd or is it just another moaning wanderer?

Kyle Crane is a agent with the mysterious GRE sent into the quarantined city of Haran wear a viscous virus has caused the dead to rise. Once entering the city, it’s not long before Crane gets intercepted by a crime lord whose taking the opportunity to increase his power and Crane finds himself infected by a virus that doesn’t show it’s true horror until the sun goes down and the zombies grown manic and rabid and the horrific Volatilies emerge. Can Crane survive the horrors of the quarantine?

At first glance, Dying Light looks like a Dead Island clone with some Far Cry sprinkled in it. In many ways it is but once you start leveling up and unlocking new abilities, it becomes addicting fun. Combat is challenging but not overly so and parkour, while taking some time to get used to, is really fun and makes exploring the world interesting. I will warn you, some of the controls feel odd and alien so it takes awhile to get used to and even at endgame, I’d still confuse controls in a rush. The game does a good job at making night time terrifying and the Volitiles are some of the most frightening monsters of this console generation. For weaponry,their a is good assortment with nice customizable options. The game looks and sounds great but I did have some glitches where reactivity was slow and a few times where I simply just died, and die you will a lot. My biggest disappointments with this game are the pain in the ass fast travel and the weak ending. The story on it’s own is above average, including the side quests, but the end is a random QTE battle after a lot of running and climbing, making the final climax just feel like a tiny pop. In the end, Dying Light is a fun game to get lost in but despite the flaws, well worth the discount price. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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