Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless PS5

Disgaea 7 is the newest in the series and once again I was able to get a review copy from NIS America,so a huge shout out to them for hooking me up.

I won’t waste too much time explaining the gameplay for this one, if you are reading this you are probably familiar with the Disgaea series. The general things haven’t changed. You will dispatch your units from the usual starting point, and on a grid map turn based series of moves you will do things like toss Prinnys that explode, take out or move geo blocks to buff or debuff units and of course over the course of time hopefully deal insane amounts of damage.

The story this time around was quite fun, you start out as a rich business person obsessed with what is essentially Japanese Shogun culture a world was known for. That however has fallen to pieces much to the dismay of Pirilika. She hires a warrior named Fuji who is in massive debt to help recover sacred weapons and revive this world’s culture.

These sacred weapons allow a new form of attack for some characters called “hell mode” which allows for special skills to decimate enemies with. Think of them sort of like Limit Breaks for the final fantasy series.

There is also a new thing called Jumbofication, which essentially makes your unit (or an enemy unit) huge. This makes some battles a bit harder or easier,but really just feels like a gimmick. It’s a fun one tho, but still a gimmick.

They have changed a few things from the 6th instalment, for example maps feel better mostly, and I enjoy the cut scenes. That being said I rather hate the new way the auto battle system works. It can still be done,but now you need to beat a battle first,and have a special item to do it. The auto battle however made some of the grind feel less grindy and let me enjoy the rest of the game more. Others however will love the new system as many didn’t like the last one.

All and all tho, the reason you are here is to know if this is worth buying and the answer is yes. The game is an 8/10 and for fans of the series or just the genre in general, it’s worth picking up. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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