Truck and Logistics Simulator (PS5 Review)

Truck and Logistics Simulator is one of many simulator games I have played over the years,and I am grateful for Aerosoft tossing me this one to review on PS5.

First,while you can get this on PC, I won’t be comparing this to other PC titles. I only played this on PS5, and with the limited amount of games in the genre you get to choose from on console I always find it silly when people say hey a game is ok but there’s better on something you probably can’t play on.

  The idea here is pretty simple. You will start with a small vehicle that you can do some basic customizing to. (mine was a bright purple mini van sort of deal because I like the ridiculous) Then you can go places to pick up jobs where you will be tasked with loading up your fan,or trailer using various tools such as a forklift at the start. Then driving from point A to point B and delivering them for money. Repeat this until you can buy more impressive vehicles like box trucks, a sports car, semi trucks or a monster truck. Yes,I do mean monster truck with giant wheels usually used in an arena to crush cars.

  Graphically the game is unimpressive, most of these games however are. The things it does well however are pretty nice. Outside of some clipping graphics when getting on and off the highway everything is stable including the FPS. I never noticed cars disappearing or suddenly appearing either, which is something I have noticed on other titles like this when it comes to console releases.

Hitting stuff is rather mundane however, general damage is pretty much always the same to cargo and vehicles and don’t expect to go cannon balling through traffic and watching them go flipping down embankments. Don’t get me wrong, you can knock cars out of your way but they mostly just roll out of the way.

The sound is also nice,nothing special,but nice. I liked listening to my engine roar on my new semi as I went down the road and my breaks squealing because I decided to slam on them at the last possible moment was a cheap thrill I enjoyed.

I do have several minor complaints. For example there is an option to turn off traffic violations,which is awesome. But you can and will still get speeding tickets. And even with traffic violations on,I never noticed using turn indicators (blinkers for some Americans on the east coast) means nothing. I stopped using them and never got a ticket. A legal system that you can turn on and off that never matters if you do or not seems pointless.

Another issue I had unless I missed something,the only way to know about speed limits was to read the actual signs on the road, which are not universal. UK speed limit signs look vastly different from American ones which look totally different from the ones in Canada (in terms of shape and design. Despite popular belief most Americans understand the metric system and KPH) so a little thing in your dashboard that said the current speed limit like many other games would have been nice.

The news isn’t all bad however,for example I love that you can skip loading up your cargo if you want and the punishment for doing it may as well not even exist. The map is also a nice size, but the variety of jobs is done in such a way that if you want a 5 minute drive or 30 minute drive in real time, you can find a mission for you quite easily. It also isn’t a simulator lite game, but at the same time you won’t get bogged down in things like having to drive back to your garage to switch vehicles if you see a job you want. I appreciate a game that respects my time but is also willing to let me waste hours of my life if I want.

Here is where I may disagree with a lot of other reviewers. The game is 29.99, and offers a full game experience online as well as offline. Anything you have in one mode is available in the other, and you can happily play and work with other people or just watch and see what they are doing,like flipping off a bridge with a trailer full of cargo. (Real thing I saw) This one is definitely worth a buy and is an 8/10 simulator, possibly the best on console. So enjoy,and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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