Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Avengers

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A huge complaint I hear from many a nerd about comic books is the age old question: where to begin? With multiple story arcs, renditions, and multiverses it becomes pretty hard for new fans to pick up. I admit, I wasn’t a fan of the Guardians, let alone knew who the hell they were until I read this, a year before Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)came out in theaters. My world was rocked…

The book starts with a quick origin of Peter Quill aka Star-Lord and how his mother was assassinated by aliens that were hunting him down because of his absent, royal father J-son. Years later, Quill has grown to be a hero, scoundrel, and leader of the famous and infamous Guardians of the Galaxy. One day while trying to get in a alien babe’s pants, his father approaches him after years of fighting against him with a warning- stay away from Earth. J-son, along with a secret galactic coalition consisting of the All-mother of Asgard, the Brood, The Badoon, and the Gladiator who all deem the heroes and mutants of Earth have become a threat to the universe at large and have quarantined the planet. The Guardians jump in to piss off there old foe, but do there plans ever go as planned, even when helped by the one and only invincible Iron Man?

For newcomers to comics in general, I can definitely recommend this book. It’s a great introduction to Star-Lord, Gamora,  Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot as well as cool cameo by Iron Man. The characters are fun and there are some cool big scale fights. I like the contrast of Quills and J-son is a fair villain to start. It’s the first volume of a great run, part of which is Guardians of the Galaxy/ All New X Men: The Trial of Jean Grey  which is partially why I’m reviewing it now with Dark Phoenix in theaters but I do recommend it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: torstenvblog

Writer of the strange and everything; lover of horror, literature, comics, and the alien is my spirit animal

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