Cotton 100% PS4 Review

As always I want to give a huge shout out to my friends over at ININ games for tossing me a copy of this one to review. It is always appreciated.

Cotton 100% was never released in the west but was originally released for the SNES in Japan. It is actually nice that this series is finally getting released here in America.

Cotton 100% is actually more of a side scrolling shooter, think along the lines of Gradius. As the screen moves to the side you will be shooting enemies that fly towards you or drop bombs or use other power ups on them. Unlike most games however where you will fly around in some sort of ship or such, you actually are a cute little pink haired witch on a broom.

Honestly she might have a name, but as of when I played it the game is only in it’s original Japanese. This doesn’t actually do anything to the game play and you could easily look up the story, I just didn’t bother. The game play was enough to keep me interested.

Graphically the game looks nice, it isn’t anything to write home about but we are looking at a re-release here. If you are walking into this expecting AAA graphics you aren’t having realistic expectations. The enemies are pretty well designed and the bosses are down right adorable. In fact I will go so far as to say they are probably the high point of the game itself. Each one is just greatly designed.

The sound unfortunately is where the game suffered the most for me. It wasn’t by any means bad, it just wasn’t exactly good. For me it just felt dated and stiff. And really could have used some sort of a bigger update or clearing up.

The truth about this game is quite simple, it’s fun but there isn’t anything special about it. It’s definitely worth playing playing and is a solid 7/10, but truth be told it’s a very niche game for people that love retro games. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

The one and only blog for savior gaming, join us for news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming as well as potentially other projects.

4 thoughts on “Cotton 100% PS4 Review”

  1. This is the problem with remasters of the 8 bit era. I can tolerate the graphics as they’ve mostly been. But the music still sounds as tinny as ever. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much to update the soundtrack.
    Great review.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great review. I love bullet hell games and this one looks a lot like Battle Mania. Hoping the sound won’t ruin it for me but that’s the beauty of retro games! It’s nice to have accurate recreations – warts and all haha.

    Liked by 1 person

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