Chris D’elia: Man on Fire

Chris D’elia, from now on known as Chris because honestly, I don’t know how to say his last name. I also didn’t really know who he was but he seemed pretty funny. Not like your typical comedian funny but more like Georgie Carlin style where he simply comments on life. This mostly was the case tho he did tell a few stories about his personal life, such as his friend buying him pants that fit for his birthday. This will probably piss a few people off honestly but I thought it was quite hilarious.

He also goes on about how people, in general, aren’t special nor are you the main character in movies like you think you are. He is obviously much funnier but he has a valid point as well. The standup does have quite a bit of swearing and offensive language, which for me is no big deal but do not watch this with kids or if you work out a lot and don’t like having your balls busted about it. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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