Puppet Master: the littlest reich trailer

WTF man, Puppetmaster is back. I was never a huge fan of the franchise but I know many who are. I can say this newest installment looks pretty retro which honestly made me kinda smile. I miss 80’s slasher movies. Anyway, if you’re a fan, what’s your thoughts on the new Puppetmaster? May the gaming gods bring you glory.

American Horror Story: Apocalypse teaser

This maybe a surprise but I’m a pretty big fan of American Horror Story. While not perfect, I love how each season manages to cram in strange and WTF stories and good characters and make them work. So far, I know season 8, Apocalypse, we’re getting mutants and the Antichrist, which was part of the first season. The teaser is cool and I can’t wait to see what we get in 2018. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Venom trailer 3

Holy shit, what a turnaround from that first generic trailer. Seriously, I’m really digging where the direction seems to be going. The effects look way better and we get so much more Venom in all his badassery. I do have an issue though: the villain seems generic as hell but with Venom done right, I think it will pull it off. May the gaming gods bring me off.

SDCC 2018- Torsten’s Summary

sdcc 2018

SDCC 2018 has been surprisingly epic  and as a nerd and blogger I’m truly thankful. At the end of this post I’m leaving all the links to the posts I’ve done regarding trailers from this year’s SDCC. I’m sure I missed stuff and I know there’s plenty to cover so feel free to leave suggestions in the comments and I’ll be happy to look into it. For right now I’d like to take this time and pretty much just talk about stuff that really popped out to me and bring up stuff I wish we got.

Normally, I’d say let’s start with the positives but this time I want to start with the worst thing I’m pretty sure most of us came out of this year’s SDCC, a trailer the internet, fans, and haters alike have banned together to trash and that’s the Titans live action trailer. Fuck Batman? No, fuck you trailer, enough said.

I have to say my favorite thing to come out of SDCC this year was the Glass trailer. I’m genuinely pumped for that movie and I hope Shyamalan makes a comeback. My close second favorite trailer was for Aquaman and thankfully I don’t think I’ll be disappointed come December.

I was surprised by quite a bit by a lot this year. Shazam looks funny as hell and I’m not even a huge fan of the character so that says something. The same can also be said of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, it’s hard to not get goosebumps during the trailer. Alita: Battle Angel I feel could be the surprise gem of the bunch while Overlord’s trailer was the hardest hitting surprise for me.

With the exception of Overlord trailer, I’m a little disappointed at the lack of new horror content. I was hoping for a new Halloween 2018 trailer or a new trailer for the Nun. Predator 4 is shaping up to look sweet and though I’m sure it will dominate next year’s Con, I wish we got a little bit more of IT: Chapter 2.

The lack of Disney/ Marvel presence was sorely missed. Seriously, besides a trailer for Iron Fist season 2 and the return of Clone Wars, that  was all they brought to the table. No Avengers 4 tease, no Captain Marvell tease, no Daredevil season 3 peek, no Star Wars Episode 9 news. Hell, even the Fox part of Marvel was quiet; I was expecting a Xmen: Dark Phoenix trailer.

In the end, it was a great year. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


Goosebumps 2 trailer 1  Overlord trailer 1  Glass trailer 1  DragonBall Super movie: Broly trailer  Aquaman trailer 1  Shazam trailer 1  Godzilla: King of the Monsters trailer 1  Fantastic Beasts 2 trailer  Alita Battle Angel


The Purge-USA event trailer  Star Wars: The Clones Wars, final season trailer  Walking Dead season 9 trailer  Deadly Class trailer  Legends of Tomorrow season 4 trailer  Black Lightning season 2 trailer  Supergirl season 4 trailer  Riverdale season 3 trailer  Arrow season 7 trailer  Flash season 5 trailer  Titans live action trailer


Marvel Spider-man SDCC trailer

Slender man trailer 2

Well, I’d say its a huge improvement over Slenderman preview but I’m not entirely convinced. Yes, the atmosphere has improved and the Slender Man doesn’t look too bad and I like the way the lore was used. I’d  seriously laugh if they try to plug the games though. A big problem I have is that I get too much of a Ring vibe from it and the fact it’s PG-13, which means there’s going to be a lot of teen pandering and jump scares. In the end, I’d RedBox it but that’s about as far as I’m willing to go. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Iron Fist season 2 trailer

Iron Fist: the hiccup show in Netflix’s line of Marvel shows. Whether it’s the white wash controversy over the casting of the titular hero or the dull ratings as compared to shows like Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Iron Fist just couldn’t seem to catch a break. We have season 2 surprisingly. I think think it looks meh, but only reading Iron Fist: the Living Weapon: Rage  I can’t say I’m an avid fan of the comic to begin with. I do appreciate the classic bandanna in the trailer as I’m sure fans will. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Purge-USA event trailer

I’m divided as hell on whether making The Purge into a network show is a good idea or not. Yes, you can’t get as graphic with it on network TV as you could as a movie but to be fair, I never felt the movies went as overboard as they could. I think having the format of a show could give us potentially some really good stories on Purge night. I’m fairly curious how this will turn out. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Star Wars: The Clones Wars, final season trailer

One of the biggest surprises of SDCC was the trailer for the return and proper finale of Star Wars: the Clone Wars. I’ve watched the first 2 seasons and a chunk of the 3rd. I do prefer the original Star Wars: the Clone Wars (05) more but I’d be lying if I didn’t give credit to the canon show. The season 7 trailer I admit has a huge upgrade in animation and I like the little touches in there wardrobes that help it feel on the brink of Episode 3. I’m glad it can get a proper end now. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Walking Dead season 9 trailer

Confession time: I’m not a fan of the Walking Dead. I liked the first few books but I never saw the hype. I think the trailer looks good but like one of my biggest problems with the series is there, it looks like its going to end but keeps going. Still, if you’re a fan this looks like it’ll be a cool season. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Deadly Class trailer

One of the best trailers to hit SDCC this year was Deadly Class, based on the graphic novel and produced by the Russo Brothers, a show about teens who go to an academy to learn how to be pro assassins. I’d definitely watch it, it looks entertaining and has some dark comedy. I’ll be keeping an eye out and may the gaming gods bring you glory.