Halloween trailer 2

Summer is gone for 2018 folks, not the heat exactly, but the season is gone. And soon it’ll be time for tricks and treats galore- and the return of a beloved holiday buddy, Michael Myers. I was in love with Halloween 2018 first trailer and damn if the warm fuzzies didn’t carry over to the new trailer. I’m thrilled to see Michael stalking the streets again and I love the gritty take on a angry, vengeful Laurie Strode. the boogeyman is back after 40 years, and he finally came home.

Bow To Blood – The Review — All The PlayStation You’ll Ever Need.

Sometimes we may see a movie, play a game or even read a book where a character just almost has a life of its own. There was a movie called Empire Records and in the movie, there was a date of April 8th. What is April the 8th…well that is Rex Manning Day. But as […]

via Bow To Blood – The Review — All The PlayStation You’ll Ever Need.

Die Hard with a Vengeance

Die hard 3

I want to start this review with a special shout out to my Dad, Duke, who got me into Die Hard as a kid. My favorite Die Hard needs to be shared with my favorite badass..

So after the events of Die Hard (1988) and Die Hard 2: Die Harder , John McClane is in a pretty rough place. His wife and family left him, filthy and drunk as a cop in New York fighting to keep his job. After a massive bombing, the terrorist responsible has a demand: he wants to play a game with McClane, but he didn’t count on a good Samaritan, Zeus, saving him. This terrorist named only Simon is driven to kill McClane, putting him and Zeus  through insane scenarios while Simon carries out his own agenda, but it isn’t long before John realizes Simon’s vendetta goes  back to his first great adventure- Simon was Han’s brother.

Die Hard with a Vengeance is pretty much what a action movie sequel should be. Bruce Willis, Samuel Jackson, and Jeremy Irons give great performances. The action scenes are truly badass and for the first time in the series, we get a lot of different locations so nothing ever feels stale. What helps too is the chemistry between Willis and Jackson which carries the film. What I truly love about the first 4 Die Hard films is how beat to shit McClane is by the end. I can’t stand action movies where no one gets dirty, just maybe a cut or two; in Die Hard, you know John McClaine ain’t Superman and the tension mounts because he wins every fight by the skin of his teeth. I seriously recommend tthe third Die Hard as much as the first and with that: may the gaming gods bring you glory and yippie-ki-ay motherfucker everyone ( even though it’s not Christmas)

Scary Stories To Tell In A Movie — nscovell

If you asked a person who grew up in both the 80’s and 90’s, what books they remember as youngsters. There’s a good chance that individual will say Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark was a past favorite. Many of us remember these three books and fondly remember reading the various tales within the […]

via Scary Stories To Tell In A Movie — nscovell

Graveyard Shift

graveyard shift

If Pet Sematary was my first introduction to King’s work, Graveyard Shift- circa the short story collection Night Shift – would be my second. The story, while brief, is about a textile mill with an massive rat infestation. They practically pour out of the floors and walls, but what happens when you try to exterminate the pests? A freak of nature lurks in the catacombs under the dying mill, a creature half rat and half bat. After grisly deaths happen at the mill, a new guy in town, the girl he falls for, the bastard foreman, and a group of workers have to journey into the basement to clear the rats, only to find the beast underneath…

This is basically a B movie creature-feature from Stephen King and it’s pretty solid. The story is quick with some good atmosphere and it’s got a darker ending then the movie, though the movie ain’t exactly cheery by the end. As for the movie, it’s a decent horror movie. There is some fair kills of some pretty forgettable characters and the creature doesn’t look bad for the time. Brad Douriff is over the time and funny as hell as the exterminater but I’m kind of pissed his character doesn’t really go anywhere. If you are scared of rats, this movie will terrify the hell out of you but other than that, it ain’t a bad movie. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


Official Game Freak video and details: Latias and Latios join the Legendary Pokémon lineup in September — Pokémon Blog

From September 2-29, Trainers who visit their local Best Buy store will be able to add one of two Dragon- and Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon to their Pokémon Ultra Sun, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Sun, or Pokémon Moon video game. This latest character distribution features Latias and Latios as the celebration of Legendary Pokémon continues. Latias […]

via Official Game Freak video and details: Latias and Latios join the Legendary Pokémon lineup in September — Pokémon Blog

Await further instructions trailer

Isn’t Christmas time magical? Well, this trailer looks like a tense meet and greet during the holidays turns into Saw on acid it seems. With all this heat and mugginess, a little Christmas horror is welcome so during the holiday it can be a cool watch. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

5 long ass King reads

king 3

I find that reading can be my little pleasure in life when things get shitty; my dad, Duke, always told me who cares how long a book is as long as it’s good. Stephen King is known for his massive books; I previously covered 5 short King reads so today we do the opposites. I’m going to focus on books that go past the 800 page mark, in no particular order, starting with..

tower 7 1. Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla / Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower –  I’m giving the 5th and final entries in King’s Dark Tower series the first slot. The 5th book totals roughly at about 900 pages while the final book is just about 1,000. For a while it was the longest book I’d ever read.

insomnia 2. Insomnia- I admit to have the book but not having read it. I know it’s considered one of his best and I can tell you it’s a massive book at almost 800 pages.

It2 3. It- whether you’re a fan of It (1990) or It (2017) and you decide to dive into the book, keep in mind it floats at around 1,260 some pages.

under the dome 4. Under the dome- Ok, I have a hard love/hate relationship with this long ass King tale of a small town trapped under a mysterious dome but I can tell you it’s well over 1,100 pages. I’ll be getting to this someday…

the stand uncut  5. The Stand (uncut)- Besides the dark tower series, this maybe my favorite of King’s works. Standing at nearly 1,400 pages its a juggernaut but is well worth the time.

If I’m going to add a few honorable mentions I’d include Christine, Sleeping Beauties, 11/22/63, Dreamcatcher,  and Talisman and Black House with Peter Straub. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Battlefield V Delayed Until November — All The PlayStation You’ll Ever Need.

Brah! It’s almost as if Battlefield V can’t catch a freagin’ break! First the controversy of Women being in the game/a Woman on the cover, then YouTubers going nuts that the game isn’t authentic enough, after that it was announced certain modes won’t be available for launch and now THIS. The game is being delayed […]

via Battlefield V Delayed Until November — All The PlayStation You’ll Ever Need.

Summer of ’84 (2018) — Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews

What a summer to be alive. Or not. It’s the summer of 1984 in a small, relatively close-knit suburb and it’s expected to be a memorable one with fun, sun, and lots of horsing-around. But that all goes away when a local kid goes missing and no one really know what the hell happened. Was […]

via Summer of ’84 (2018) — Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews