DragonBall FighterZ

DragonBall FighterZ is the DBZ fighting game people wanted for years and never truly got. This beautiful 2D fighter quickly became loved by people that grew tired of Marvel vs Capcom or simply love fighting games and wanted something new to sink their teeth into. The graphics are beautiful and the sounds are outstanding. The character selection starting out was nice and has been expanded nicely since launch.

There is also no shortage of things to do in the game itself with online and offline fighting modes, things to collect and even modes to simply watch. There is not a lot to say here, if you are a DBZ fan or a fan of fighting games, it is worth picking up. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (PS4)

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is another DBZ game once again tells the story from when Raditz shows up until the end of the Buu Saga. Despite the name of the game, you will also spend most of the game NOT controlling Kakarot. When you do control him tho you will pretty much feel like a god much of the time which is nice.

The graphics are undeniably amazing and the sound is exactly what you would want. Most importantly from this RPG (and yes it is an RPG) is you will get to explore the world of DBZ. Fly around and check things out, visit towns hunt animals, go fishing explore to your heart is content. Maybe kick around some robots or Saiba men.

You can learn new moves or power them up with experience, or by training in special areas tho some moves are locked behind certain criteria. For example, don’t expect to go Super Saiyan before Goku would in the show or to defeat Raditz with a Spirit Bomb.

Another nice touch is when you eat you are given a permanent stat boost. This is why eating is important, along with that is a temporary boost that can make quite a bit of difference. I don’t want to talk about much besides the basics because there is a lot to do and I don’t want to spoil it. To me, this was the best DBZ game ever made tho I wouldn’t argue with those that prefer Fighter Z, which coincidently is tomorrow’s review. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Stardew Valley Multiplayer Update

So as much as I have played Statdew Valley I never really experienced the multiplayer aspect until recently. Me and my daughter played most of the weekend. I have mixed feelings about it but they are mostly positive.

Playing with a friend does split much of the work and makes gather resources, mining and farming much easier.

It does sadly make buying anything 2-4 times more expensive depending on who you are playing with because all tools and storage backpacks need to be bought for everyone. That is really my only complaint but I understand why it is that way, because it needs to be.

The quality of life improvments that came along with it were fantastic tho. The ability to see what belongs in a community bundle from your inventory and stacking things like chest or crab pots in your inventory is a godsend. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improvements made, but admittedly they are mostly fantastic.

My only othet complaint is even with a wired connection we would occasionally drop our connection. Probably once an hour or so on a bad day and not at all on others. Despite those minor complaints as much as I love Stardew Valley alone, with a friend is my favorite way to play. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Plague Inc. (PS4)

Plague Inc is a mobile game ported to console, and the real differences are as opposed to being free like it is on mobile where you can pay to unlock things, on the console you buy it and earn unlockables by playing. Aside from that and controller changes, it is the same game. You name your virus or fungus or whatever you design, plant it somewhere, choose how it evolves and spreads and try to kill everyone on earth.

While that is it and is just what the game is it is actually quite fun and hard to master. The scientist will try to find cures people will take better care of themselves as it spreads and countries will close their borders as it spreads. It is a fun little game I suggest you pick up on a sale as it isn’t really worth more than $5 or so. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

More Game of the Decade Candidates

Here we are with my last 5 picks. I want to remind everyone that if your game of choice isn’t on here I may not have played it, and just because a game is on here doesn’t mean I enjoyed it, I just think it caused enough of change in gaming it deserves it. I actually don’t like many of the games on my own list. Like this next one.

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Fortnite Battle Royale, this game gets a lot of love and hate, some deserved some not. Like it or not tho this game was and is huge and because of what it has done for gaming and esports, there is no denying its right to be in the conversation.


While for me GTAV is the definition of what NOT to do online and is probably the most toxic online environment ever created there is no denying its single-player story is amazing and online is loved by millions, so really who am I to complain? What list would be complete without it?

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Yea I am putting Red Dead Redemption 2 right after GTAV, and both belong here for basically the same reason. Admittedly Rockstar knows what they are doing with these games. Huge open worlds with plenty to do, amazing characters beautiful graphics and setting sales records.

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Persona 5 is an amazing RPG, and oddly the only game on this list that could potentially be considered for game of the decade twice with Persona 5 Royal coming out eventually. But this game can easily take 100 hours to beat and there is content in New Game plus that is unavailable in the first playthrough. The game is beautiful and each persona has a life of its own, the characters all feel like their own people with problems of their own for you to get to know and experience. Any fan of RPGs needs to try this one out.

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Kerbal Space Program. This may be the only list you find this game on, and I am putting it here because honestly until this I had never played a game like it, and now there are various games like it on mobile or under development. The ability to build rockets and planes and stations and whatever you can imagine is amazing and fun, and this may be the only game where failure is not only an option, it is the best way to learn and to learn about real physics and such. For me, this is what an educational game should be.

So what do you guys think? Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Game of the Decade Candidates

Many of you remember the other day I talked about the game of the decade and how I didn’t think you could truly pick one and the best you could truly do is debate it. So here are 5 picks for me today and I will have 5 more tomorrow, and we can discuss them, or you can just call me a moron. So enjoy in no real order, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.


The original Dark Souls, released in 2011 and despite the many, many issues it had it changed the way many people play games. Sure Demon Souls came first but Dark Souls really made it popular. Now the style wouldn’t be perfected until much later, but this game deserves to be mentioned.

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Dark Souls deserved to be mentioned for bringing a series to life really, Bloodborne deserves it for perfecting that series imo. The lore, the art style the combat itself. It is all steller. Nothing about this game is unfairly hard, but it is hard. Simple mistakes will get you killed time and time again, but good timing and situational awareness will get you through every time.

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Spider-Man is on the list not because I think it would ever win this honor, but because it deserves to be mentioned simply for what it finally gave us. A Spider-Man that felt like Spider-Man. The web-swinging was great, the story was pretty amazing. It was pretty nice to see real superpowers could be done right.

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The Witcher 3 is a game I am well known to not be a fan of but I can’t deny the impact it has had. From Netflix shows to awards. the game is hundreds of hours in content, the lore is out of this world and speaking of the world, it is one of the most alive in gaming.download (2)

I know I am playing with numbers here a little bit by counting Minecraft here because it was initially released in 2009 for some people but the official release date by Majong was 2011. But it has been released on every console (and PC) so I feel like, for a blog, we can cut it some slack and since it has has been one of the highest streamed and played games in that entire time period, we can talk about it.

So let me know what you guys think, and until tomorrow when I give you my last 5, may the gaming gods bring you glory.


Big Pharma (PS4)

Have you ever wanted to run a pharmaceutical company and make decisions on what medicines to make? Now it is your chance. Do you want to make a medicine to get rid of headaches and nothing else? Cure headaches but causes headaches? Oh yes, you can do that.

In Big Pharma, you get to run the factory that makes the medicine the world takes. Research new machines, new ingredients and make the place that much bigger. With this space, you will add new machines to change what each chemical does. This sounds complicated but it really isn’t. The game has excellent tutorials that will break things down for you quite well and it truly is a simple matter of just knowing what to build in which order.

That doesn’t make the game easy by any means. The first few levels go quickly and smoothly but it isn’t long until you will need to consider what side effects you will be stuck with and how it will mess with your sales, or if the loans are worth the extra machines or will those scientists be just enough to kill your profits?

The decisions you will make can at times crush your business if you aren’t careful or they could just be annoying when they don’t turn out how you want them too. Regardless of fans of these types of games, this one is a must buy on PS4. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Brice Armstrong, Voice of Ginyu and DBZ Narrator passes at the age 84

It is with a sad heart we report the death of anime legend Brice Armstrong, the voice of Captain Ginyu and the narrator of  Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball z. He died of natural causes at the age of 84 and we wish his family the best and may the gaming gods bring him peace.