PSN December Flash Sale

After skipping November, the PSN Flash Sale has returned! This month’s offerings are a bit smaller than usual, with only 51 deals available, which really seem to be focusing on AAA titles and bigger-budget indies. CLICK HERE FOR THE DEALS!!!! With Christmas only a few days away, what are you hoping Santa Brah will bring […]

via December PSN Flash Sale is Live!!! — All The PlayStation You’ll Ever Need.

Krampus Unleashed (2016)

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Krampus Unleashed is one of those movies that falls between being a horrible B movie that I love and legitimately just a poorly made movie. Usually they have low production value and they realize this, they embrace this. They don’t pretend to be more. Krampus however attempts to blur this line. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the movie looks pretty good. The acting is solid as well. Where the movie falls a bit flat however is the pacing is off and the story itself is rather odd.

The movie starts off in what seems like post WW2 Germany when some treasure hunters late at night when they discover a small box with a black stone in it. After some fighting they unleash Krampus whom shows up to kill a few people. We then find ourselves in the future.

A family trip to gramps country home we get to know the family, mostly a pretty basic group, expect for one kid that wants to have sex with his cousin. Not a joke by the way. This is where the story gets weird. Turns out that scene at the beginning of the movie was on this country home farm as the family discovers the rock in a river.

I won’t go to much further into the story, feel to watch it for yourself. While the story itself isn’t great it isn’t horrible and the gore factor is rather nice with limbs being torn off and blood by the bucket full. It is a nice throw back to when horror movies were just awkward stories that were an excuse for a body count. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Denis Leary: No Cure For Cancer (1992)

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Every so often I like to try something new, so I figured I would try to cover a few stand ups and I am starting with an old personal favorite. In No Cure for Cancer Leary covers various topics from drug use, to smoking and even his fathers reaction to his brother and his friends finally playing with Dennis as a kid, then shooting him in the head with an arrow. It is one of the funnier stand ups on Netflix right now and while it is full of drinking, smoking and swearing it is admittedly by the more modern standard of comedy today not all that offensive, the same however can not be said for what I cover tomorrow. This one is a must watch for any stand up fan, tho it is very much for adults. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Merry Friggin’ Christmas (2015)


This movie holds a special place for me actually, not because its great or horrible or anything like that. It is actually the first new movie of his I saw after he died. But was the movie any good? Well let me answer that.

The movie starts out with a man explaining that he sometimes over does things with his kids, namely Christmas. The reason for that, well his father wasn’t exactly great at that sort of thing. He didn’t like that his son wanted to paint instead of doing more manly things for example.

With this in mind Boyd never goes home for Christmas until his brother asked him to be god father of his child, but decides to hold the baptism on Christmas eve. While this in itself would be enough to ruin a holiday they also forget the Christmas presents at home.

In a last ditch effort to save Christmas Boyd attempts to rush home, grab the gifts and return in 8 hours. A trip that takes pretty much as much time as he has until the kids wake up, the perfect coincidence. Poof, car trouble. Dad (Robin Williams) for the save.

Honestly the movie isn’t that good, it is pretty much the stereotypical father and son don’t get along fight a lot and bind over helping the grand kids story. Williams himself is the best part of the movie tho even there it isn’t his best performance. It is far from the worst Christmas movie I have seen this month, but most people won’t be fond of it. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Ballad of Lefty Brown (2017) — Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews

Don’t count out Lefty. In the West, Lefty Brown (Bill Pullman) is generally considered a bit of a goof-ball. No one takes him seriously and because of that, he’s sort of had a reputation for a guy who everybody knows and likes, yet, would never fully trust to get a job done. It’s why he’s […]

via The Ballad of Lefty Brown (2017) — Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews

Elite Dangerous: Type 10 Defender Now Available

At 2:14pm on the 20th December 2017 Frontier announced the release of the Type-10 Defender. “Greetings Commanders, “The Thargoid threat is rising. We’re receiving reports of attacks on space stations and devastation across the galaxy. Commanders have been requested to embark on dangerous rescue attempts to shuttle survivors away from the menace. “There’s no doubt […]

via Type-10 Defender: Now Available — Elite: Dangerous

Twitch Update


So every so often I like to share with you guys some weird or interesting news. For example back on the 16th I had this to say It’s My Birthday! or on my Twitter I will share fun stories about all the way my daughter I refer to as baby savior torments me. For example the other day she chose to fall asleep next to my leg. Well I thought she did, then she randomly bit my leg. Yea, that one hurt. Also me and @torstenvblog went to the movies to see Star Wars The Last Jedi Review (Savior) and we stopped at the mall, and well I had a photo op moment with Santa.


Yea that is creepy I know. Torsten took the picture by the way. Anyway with all that out of the way, some of you may know I like to occasionally stream on Twitch You can follow me here if you like but I recently made affiliate which has some cool perks. Mostly I just thought it was something fun to share with you guys, Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.


The Hated (2017)

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The Hatred is one of those movies I am really not sure what to do with. The start of the movie is a bit odd and I wasn’t a fan. A dad seems to be possessed by something kills his daughter and is subsequently killed by his wife. We then fast forward to the modern day when some college students stay at the house years later.

The movie should have been great tho. There was cursed cult artifacts, a scary creature in the basement, a Nazi officer in hiding. The movie just never really took off and felt rather mundane. The movie wasn’t bad by any means and I wouldn’t go so far as to say don’t watch the movie. By all means grab a soda and some popcorn sit back and give it a go. Casual movie fans will most likely enjoy this flick, hardcore horror fans however will want to stay clear. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

5 Games I Will Probably Never Finish

The following is a list of games I will probably never finish, not because they aren’t good games. Some of them are probably on the list of all time greats. They just either aren’t great to me, or stuff just keeps happening. Also, in no real order.

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Phantasy Star 2. I played this game for the first time on the Sega Channel. For those that don’t know what that is, it was something you got thru your cable provider that fit into the top of the system, and it let you play a bunch of games every month. Basically it was a really really old school version of PlayStation now. I then had a Phantasy Star collection for my Gameboy advance, it came with the Ultimate sonic collection I owned for both the PS3 and Xb360 and I bought it for the Xbox one…still have not beat it, and sadly probably never will.

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The Original Zelda, a classic loved by people all over the world. I have played this game a few times, and I always just get bored and stop playing half an hour after I start. I always say I will look up a guide and just blow through it for the sake of doing it, but lets be honest. I won’t.

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Moving further into history, the first Resident Evil. I played this at a friends house back on the PlayStation and the controls turned me off. Eventually I played the remake and bought the PS4 remake with @torstenvblog when it was on sale. He was going to play one side and me the other. He finished it, me? Yea you know what the list is called. This game ended up uninstalled and will probably forever be a game I truly want to complete, but won’t.

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This is honestly the only game on the list I only feel bad for because I have completed most of the Final Fantasy games. Basically this and that trilogy us old people like to pretend don’t exist that came out after this but before 14. People seem to have a love it or hate it attitude towards 12, and I fall into the hate it category mostly. The battle system is boring, the story is uninspired and the characters, well mostly I didn’t are if they lived or died. I never finished it, but I got far enough to want Vaan’s head on a pike.

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This one always surprises people. See I love the RPG genre, and Witcher 3 is without a doubt one of the best we have seen in a long time. The game world is breathtakingly beautiful, the world itself is in depth and rich, the characters are as real and well written as any ever created. There is almost nothing to complain about with this game. The complaints you can make are pretty minor at this point, since the major ones have been long since fixed, granted my first attempt had me getting stuck on invisible objects. If anyone were to ask me if they should buy The Witcher 3, I would say absolutely yes. If you look at this game and it looks interesting, buy it.  Also I don’t like it. I can’t explain why, I love the world, I love the characters, the story is great. I WANT to like this game, i WANT to play this game. I simply can’t get into it.


A Christmas Story

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This movie is such a timeless classic there is a 24 hour marathon of it every year. I don’t even need to review this honestly, I could have posted the picture of the kid and a BB gun and just stopped there and you guys would have gotten it. But hey let us get on with what is basically a formality here.

The movie takes place in the 1940’s and young Ralphie has one dream. He wants a Red Ryder BB gun. He needs to convince his parents, teacher, Santa, anyone that will listen he needs one. The problem is, he will shoot his eye out. Along the way there are bullies, dares to stick a tongue to a light post and even dropping lug nuts down a drain and saying fudge.except he doesn’t say fudge. He says the F— word. By the way he throws his friend under the bus an I know they only had phones with cords back then, you hear mom run over and smack the holy hell out of this poor innocent kid. You know how hard you have to hit someone to hear it across a house over a 1940’s phone that clearly? That poor bastards grand kids had bruises when they were born in the 1980’s.

Anyways back on track, I don’t mind spoiling this movie a little bit. At the end of the movie, in true 1940’s fashion, hell even in 1980’s or the 1990’s fashion dad comes through and buys this kid a Red Ryder BB gun. Because you know, back then it was socially acceptable to buy kids actual weapons. The kid also almost immediately manages to shoot himself in the face when it bounces of some metal and his glasses prevent him from shooting his own eye out. Let this be a lesson kids, when shooting a BB gun you actually can shoot your eye out. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.