That 90’s Show Netflix Review

That 90’s show recently released on Netflix and as a huge fan of That 70’s show (and probably one of the 6 people on earth that enjoyed That 80’s Show) I was quite excited to see it. Admittedly I did not have much hope for it. The main cast was basically making cameos, Leia, Erik and Donna’s daughter, was essentially crashing with Red and Kitty and the new group of friends did not seem promising. In fact I watched it just to see Red and Kitty.

In fact I will die on the hill that Red and Kitty Foreman are the best part of That 90’s show,and possibly That 70’s show. This 10 episode run though was far better than I expected. They didn’t try to recapture the magic in a bottle from the original series, in fact if you pay attention it is very clear the original Point Place crew did not remain friends. I won’t go into details, but Kelsos son and Leia meet for the first time as the summer starts.

As the summer starts however and Leia is visiting you can tell there are some issues between Leia and Erik, not too different from Red and Erik despite the fact Erik is actually trying. She meets Gwen, the girl that lives next door where Donna used to live. They hit it off and after a couple days Leia wants to spend the summer, something Kitty is excited for,much to Reds dismay.

I won’t go on from here because I don’t want to spoil anything but we do get to see a new side of Red with this group of kids. A softer side in a way. This isn’t to say he isn’t the hard ass we know and love,but there are moments where you can see Red’s job as father figure is done and he embraces his role as grandfather. The show isn’t perfect, but in a lot of ways it gave me exactly what I wanted. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Sandman Netflix Review

I am going to get a few things out of the way before I even start. I am not a reader of the Sandman comics. I have read Lucifer (comes from Sandman) so that is the only character I will mention any accuracy on. (Spoiler alert, the guy that wrote the character and helped with the show did great)

Another thing I will not get involved with is “woke politics” if you have read Neil Gaimans work you knew what you were getting into. This was his stuff before being “woke” was a thing.

Also it’s Constantine as in TINE/ WINE not Teen. Him and his comics said so.

Ok now that we have that out of the way,on with the show. It all starts out pretty trippy as you would expect with a series about an entity known as an Endless, Sandman (also called Morpheus) and his family exist to rule over certain things, Death,Desire etc. Sandman attempts to find an escaped nightmare and Magus who is upset over the loss of his favorite son casts a spell to trap Death and instead catches Sandman.

This is actually only the first episode and encompasses about 100 years of his imprisonment where is mostly stripped of his tools and powers. The rest are locked away with him inside of a magical seal which he can’t really escape.

This does an excellent job setting up future episodes, done as chapters, by letting us know the Endless are all extremely powerful but are not gods. They make mistakes,they change and grow as living things and most importantly you should not piss them off.

The show can’t go on without his escape which does eventually happen much to the regret of his captors. This will bring us on a journey to gather his tools back which includes sand, a mask and a sort of amulet. This brings me to my first issue.

Going into this we saw all sorts of previews and posters discussing Lucifer ( Gwendolin Christie) and Johanna Constantine ( Jenna Coleman) both only appear in a very limited capacity. (In fact Jenna technically only appears once as 2 different characters with the same name) and this really seems almost like a bait and switch. Clearly the show is about Sandman ( Tom Sturridge) but to make them seem like costars only to have them barely be guest appearances at best seems a little dishonest.

That aside, every character is played amazingly. At first I was a bit worried about John Constantine being done away with completely but him being gone may actually be an improvement. ( The John Constantine character could not be used for legal reasons so he was replaced with Johanna,another character in his family from the comics)

Morpheus and Johanna

Before I get more off track however, finding his tools is how he meets Johanna and later Lucifer.Johanna happens to now own his sand which she happily returns, if by happily we can say as happy as anyone would like to visit an ex-girlfriend that left without any notice or phone call. And Lucifer, well Lucifer is the devil. Her and Sandman basically kick the crap out of each other and he gets his mask back as Lucifer swears to see him later.

Lucifer and Morpheus

I won’t go further into the story because I don’t want to ruin it, but for something that is only 10 episodes I was hooked from start to finish. It is absolutely worth checking out, just don’t go into this expecting anything other than a dark (and I mean morbid) story. Morpheus is not a hero, or even a villain. He simply exists as a force of nature in control of a realm. He isn’t Batman or the Joker or anything in between. He is just there to do a job,and sometimes people get in the way, other times he can help. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

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How I Met Your Father Impressions

How I Met Your Father is a spin off of one of my favorite shows of all time, How I Met Your Mother. So clearly going into this I had low expectations it would be something I enjoy but very high hopes.

It’s a fine line to walk honestly, you need enough of a connection to make people coming back to say hey this is familiar enough to make me want to watch but new enough so they don’t say hey this is a rip off cash grab.

You also need it to be just be a copy and paste because let’s be honest here, if How I Met Your Mother came out in 2022, it would have gotten destroyed. It’s been off the air since 2014 and already Barney Stinson would probably be canceled as a rapist and Robin as being abusive to Ted. And don’t even get me started on Marshal and Lily. Even towards the end the show was acknowledging how messed up the group was.

Honestly that was half the charm of the original and much of that is missing here. Most of us knew a toned down version of all the people from HIMYM. One of the characters from HIMYF however is a very rich British guy (Charlie) that ran away to be with another character ( Valentina) and a third (Sid) legitimately owns the bar they all hang out at.

The main character,Sophie, (Hillary Duff) is equally as unrelatable, while she struggles with dating in the world of Tinder and hangs out with her friends she mostly whines about turning 30 and not knowing what to do with her life, even tho she already has a career.

That’s not to say the show isn’t entertaining, the show is actually quite entertaining. It has it’s laughs and I enjoy that the first episode they out right tell you that’s how she met the father even tho they never tell you which character it is. Some of the characters also live in the same apartment from the original that they got off an older married couple (clearly meaning Lily and Marshal)

The show is by no means bad, it just lacks much of the character of the original. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

My Issue With Peppa Pig

Let me start by saying this, I have no true issue with the children’s tv show Peppa Pig. All 3 of my kids watched it, they enjoyed it, and outside of randomly throwing out an English accent nothing bad happened. I am by no means trying to persuade anyone to go home and toss out their kid’s DVD’s or not let their kids watch the show. What you let the kids watch is all on you, you know them better than me obviously.

I have heard a few complaints and let me start by saying, they are basically bullshit. For example, Peppa Pig herself is a bad influence and bad for kids. Most of us grew up watching the muppets. Here is a video of Miss Piggy slapping around multiple people including her boyfriend Kermit.

So let’s not pretend kids shows are somehow suddenly insane shows we compared to what we watched. Thanks to my kids I have seen pretty much every episode of this show,I haven’t seen Peppa smack anyone like Piggy yet.

Now I have also heard the argument that there are no consequences for their bad behavior. Here is another example of why this is an idiotic argument.

There you go, 17 videos of Daffy getting blasted in the face with a shotgun, no harm no foul. Just puts his beak back. and who can forget Bugs getting arrested for murder when he shot a guy in the crowd.

Wait, that didn’t happen to bugs or the dude in the Pink Panther. Cartoons rarely have consequences for things so to use that as an excuse here is horrible.

No, for me the real reason to be upset here, is the treatment of Papa Pig. This poor bastard is treated like dirt, but he works hard with cement. I don’t know what he does besides plan stuff but still. They constantly call him fat, like somehow the other pigs are skinny I guess. Worse, they give away his favorite chair to a charity trying to repair the perpetually broken school roof without telling him. Peppa convinces them its an antique and the poor bastard buys it thinking it matches the chair he has at home not knowing it was the same chair.

Speaking of the school roof, Peppa volunteers her mother to parachute out of a plane to help fix the room that once again broken. Pappa Pig being the loving husband he is, goes in the plane with her and gets DUMPED OUT OF THE PLANE without a chute. Momma big makes a desperate leap out to save him and after catches him, drops him at the last second through the new school of which now requires him to make a second jump to fix the roof.

The show is full of examples were Papa Pig is treated like garbage and insulted by his family and even tortured in one when they pick his car up with a helicopter and flip his car all around with him inside of it instead of just moving him to safety and being done with it.

One final issue with the show, why did they take the kids to prison for a field trip? Now they called it a zoo, but come on guys. They are ALL animals, and they make it a point to say all the dangerous animals are in cages. The teacher freaks when she sees a lion outside of the cage until she finds out he works there and isn’t supposed to be in a cage at all. Then they go look at all kinds of animals in cages. That kinda sounds like Peppa Pig and her friends were taken to some sort of scares straight program.

All that being said, my daughter loves it and the show doesn’t annoy me like many others and when you view it through the eyes of an adult, its good for a laugh. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Good Place (season 3, Soilers)

The Good Place Season 3 obviously continues where The Good Place (Season 2, Spoilers) left off. Our friends still searching for a way into The Good Place after showing people continue to grow even after death and can change.

Not long into the season tho it is discovered that nobody has made it into The Good Place in a few hundred years, and our ragtag crew will set off to prove The Bad Place had rigged the system to make it impossible for anyone. There will, of course, be plenty of traveling and jokes and guest appearances that I won’t get into or how they figure out what is really going on because that is the truly important part of all this but that alone is worth watching it for because it really does represent real life.

For me, that has been the fun of this show. It sneaks in realistic things about like without being preachy or anything while making me laugh and think, and I truly can not wait for season 4. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Littlekenny (Season 1)

Those that follow the blog know by now I enjoy the show Letterkenny. You all also know I can’t truly explain why. The show is just funny to me but has no real plot line in the greater sense of things.

Enter Littlekenny. This animated show takes place a long time before season one of Letterkenny when they are all in school. It tells the story of how our little group became a group in the first place.

The season can be watched in less than an hour, honestly probably less than 30 minutes. Each episode is only a few minutes long and simply tells a small story. It never takes itself seriously and knows what it is and I was ok with that. I never wanted much from it other than some laughs and some quick back story which is what I got. Fans should check it out. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Good Place (Season 2, Spoilers)

Season 2 of The Good Place picks up where season 1 left off. With them all-knowing what’s going on, Michael had to wipe their brains and started it all over again. Turns out this is about to happen over 800 times. None of the scenarios are entirely the same but certain aspects are the same. For example, Chidi always ends up helping Eleanor tho sometimes they are just friends and others they are a couple. The comedy and moral and ethical questions and the comedy continue.

By midway through the season, however, Michael has lost control of the neighborhood and has become working with our 4 main characters. He is even taking the same ethics classes with Michael as Eleanor in an attempt to be more human and trustworthy. They will, of course, get caught. The season is great and manages to recapture the magic of season one quite well. So check it out, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Good Place (season 1) (Spoilers inside)

The idea behind The Good Place is a simple one, yet an interesting one. What if when you die you go to heaven and it is just a neighborhood where you live with your soulmate in an area perfect for you and those around you? Now, what if 1 person legitimately did not belong there and were supposed and should have gone to The Bad Place?

Well, the answer to that question is nothing good, and Eleanor is that person, and she will do anything to change herself and deserve to be there. Enter Chidi, a philosophy professor. Chidi will do everything in his power to help her be worthy of The Good Place.

During this season there will be plenty of mishaps, and hilarity. Giant flying shrimp, dogs getting kicked into the sun. The show does bring up many moral and ethical questions, and you will even find out that other characters don’t belong there as well. Kristen Bell and Ted Danson (Michael) have amazing chemistry. The twist ending where you find out they have all been in The Bad Place the entire time and they have been surrounded by demons running an experiment to make humans torture themselves. The show is actually surprisingly amazing and I am kind of sad I waited so long to watch it. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Letterkenny (Season 8)

Here we are again, Letterkenny Season 8. Seriously I can’t quit this damn show. It just does it for me and makes me laugh. From the hockey players and their chirping to Wayne, Dan, and Daryl just drinking beer talking about random stuff, like how you could possibly masturbate in them of December for each date. (Once on the first twice on the 2nd and so on) and yes that is a real example.

That I feel is what makes the show so great, it is simplistic and fun and it deals with things we all deal with while at the same time being so outrageous and out there that it is truly comedic at the same time.

The show honestly is pretty much what it has always been, and if you loved the other seasons you will love this one. So go check it out, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.