Final Fantasy 9 (PS4)


Every so often in gaming something happens that is a nice surprise. The other day I woke up to an e-mail about the sudden release of a classic from my childhood. Final Fantasy 9. The story of Zidane and Garnet on their quest to save the world. Sure there is much more to this amazing game, but most people know the story. They want to know, how does this hold up?

Well this port was given the full treatment. Beautiful HD graphics, trophy support ( as of the Saturday of release someone has already managed the Platinum) and just like the Final Fantasy 7 port its of the PC version and has some fun little cheat codes you can choose to use. If you never played before I would suggest skipping the max level stuff but if you just want the story that alone will make the game a breeze.

If you are a fan of the JRPG genre, the original release or the series you owe it to yourself to purchase this game. It is truly a treasure, and is easily one of the Best games ever made. Thanks for reading and may the gaming gods bring you glory

The Black Room

The Black Room

This movie is a bit odd. I can’t call it good, but I also won’t say it is bad. The movie starts out with a sleeping woman at her grandmothers house and some strange noises in the basement. The grandmother seems to know what it is going on and isn’t happy. The next part for lack of a better term ( ok for those that are a bit squeamish or easily offended please stop reading..seriously) anyway for lack of a better term the young but adult woman is raped by a ghost. Afterwards the grandmother is killed attempting to protect her granddaughter who is later burned badly.

Flash forward to a new couple buying the house and all hell breaks loose, more people are killed, bunch of nudity and more awkwardness of women  alone in rooms having orgasms from a incubus demon. All in all the movie is entertaining in that what the hell am I watching way and is not well made in anyway. As always thanks for joining me and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Boo 2005


I won’t say this movie is bad, but veteran horror fans will find little to enjoy. While it had some creepy moments and would probably be enough for casual fans this left much to be desired. A group of guys bring dates into an abandoned hospital in an attempt to scare female friends quickly end up in a fight for their lives against a dead patient trying to escape. Oh and did I mention a friend ha been there fixing the place up to make a creepy place even creepier?  The premise of the movie was solid despite the cliche nature, but sadly it falls flat very quickly. Thanks for your time and may the gaming god bring you glory.

Alien Vs Zombies

alien vs zombies

I don’t say this often, but I will start out simple. This movie is fucking stupid,and not in a fun way. The premise is cool, an alien shows up on vacation after years of loving the earth from a far. So dad sends him here on spring break. Upon arrival he discovers the world is in ruins, zombies are everywhere and all hell has broken out. To avoid spoilers I will say things are not as they appear. The pop culture references are mildly entertaining, for example the reference that Snooki is indeed an alien and the reference to another movie called Earth Girls Are Easy was fun. Aside from that this movie fails on pretty much every level from acting to visuals to the script itself. This movie is better off avoided, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Metroid Retro Review


I played this game long ago as a kid, and I have to say I always thought it was an overrated game. As an adult, that opinion hasn’t changed. The graphics while nice for their time basically look like a color swaps of other areas and the enemies seemed lazy and the story uninteresting to me. I will however say it was more fun than I remember. I honestly can’t say much about it that has not been said, and many people feel the game and series are amazing while other like me simply do not get it. Get out there and try it for yourself, and may the gaming gods guide you to glory.

Gradius Retro Review


I have to admit, until this week I had never played this game. This side scrolling shooter is pretty, fun and damn was it hard. This game is like Australia, everything in it either wants you dead or can kill you on accident and it comes from every possible direction.There honestly isn’t much to the game and that is really the beauty of it. You simply fly around collect power ups kill everything you can and try not to die. While there are better games out there today, I do wish I had experienced this years ago. Thanks for reading and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Punch Out Retro review

punch out

Depending on when you played this game it was either Mike Tyson’s Punch Out or Punch Out featuring Mr. Dream. But to most people it has always simply been Punch Out. One of the original games of memorize this pattern then strike when you can, and to this day I know very few people that have completed it. Now most gamers would add they are one of those few. And hell you guys will never know if I lie or not. Truth is, I am not one of those few. Tyson/Dream always kicked the ever loving crap out of me. The game is fun, tho the controls have always pissed me off to no end. The game is still fun and challenging all these years later and whether you are revisiting or just looking for a history lesson from gaming you can not go wrong here. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Retro Review Exitebike


Excitebike is one of the first NES games I ever played. I remember thinking how amazing it was and how cool it looked, then I discovered that you could use your back tire to knock other riders off their bike and it was game over. I lost races and precious time off laps just knocking people over. Having released the same  year I was born obviously my experience came a few years later, tho i imagine it was fun from day 1. and 32 years later later and the same experience was still fun. Sure graphically it is no longer impressive and the controls by todays standard are stiff and unresponsive but damn was it a throw back to the days games were simply fun. I greatly suggest everyone go back and try it, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Kid Chameleon


Kid Chameleon was a great game when I was younger. Fast paces fancy helmets that give you super powers, whats not to love? Well in the Sega Forever the controls. At times the game feels almost unplayable. While I am sure many can get used to this I for one can not. I would very much recommend skipping this one. Have a great night, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Comix Zone


Comix Zone is as beautiful as its ever been, and the idea of being trapped inside of a comic book was excellent. The controls on this one aren’t bad but are far from being the best that Sega Forever has offered. The game was always a challenge and now may be even harder. Its nor impossible however and should not stop fans of the game from playing. Now get out there and enjoy, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.