Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer


Damn I want this game. Like a good trailer ought to, we get glimpses of the majestic, epic beauty of the old west in the trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 but we don’t get much of an idea of a plot except for Dutch being referenced at the end, making me think this maybe some kind of prequel. In one way I’d be fine with that, getting to see a young John Marsten get in with the gang he’d hunt down in the original.  I was a huge fan of the first Red Dead Redemption and my hopes are high for the sequel, not too many times I can lasso someone and toss them in front of a train after all.

Pod (2015)


Pod is the story about a brother and sister trying to help their delusional brother who has locked himself in the family lake cabin. The movie starts with a man hunting and his dog being killed. After blindly shooting a few rounds he hits something and panics.

This around the time he locks himself in and his brother and sister arrive. What follows  is a thrill ride of paranoia delusion that you can honestly believe is happening. The acting is very well done, and they do a very good job of telling the very real story of what so many veterans go through each and every day. Having spent time with a few Vietnam vets I can honestly say this is quite accurate. The paranoia of being followed or having  a tracking chip in your gums was greatly done…However in this case our paranoid and delusional soldier really was experimented on by the government and they really did send a creature to kill him. I won’t ruin all the finer details but please go check this one out and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

A Dark Song

a dark song.jpeg

This movie has a nice start to it. Woman buys a house and gets in touch with a guy for a magical ritual for love. Wait no plot twist its to talk to her deceased son one last time. Wait, there is another plot twist…oh wait there is another. Yea its like that. This move tries real hard to be artsy and doesn’t do a very good job at it and the ending is not only badly done but most people will see it coming about a mile away. The idea behind this movie was cool, but they were badly implemented and I can not in good conscience recommend this movie. So good luck, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.




Do you enjoy sexy ladies, giant monsters, crazy ass sword fights, or mi-devil stories? If you said yes to one or more of these things, Claymore is an anime for you. Set in what I take to be mid evil times, people are in fear of humaniod beasts called Yoma. These things are vicious as hell and pretty unkillable, except for a Claymore. A Claymore is a human female/ Yoma hybrid trained as a warrior to kill the beasts; they are faster, stronger, have ridiculously quick reflexes, and rarely age. It has to be a young woman that is changed, males don’t react favorable to the hybrid process. They are controlled by a mysterious Organization, who collect money for the Claymore clearing the town. So essentially they are pimps. Any way, our main focus is on a Claymore named Claire and her human companion boy Rocky as she aims to destroy a talented Claymore turned full Yoma who murdered Teresa, the once greatest Claymore and who had saved Claire as she herself saved Rocky.  I loved almost everything about this series but towards the end it starts to drag a little for me. While I usually don’t like happy endings, I was really invested in Claire and Rocky’s friendship, as I was Claire and Teresa’s. I love Skyrim and the scenery and score reminded me of it a little bit. This show features one of my favorite fights in all of anime, Teresa the ranked #1 Claymore vs 2-5 and it’s gorgeous and badass to watch. If you want a short but rich anime to watch, I highly recommend Claymore and you can find it all dubbed on Hulu. As always thank you and may the gaming gods be with you.

Dead Awake

dead awake

It is very rare I hop onto Netflix, pick a movie knowing it will be a cliche dumb movie watch it anyways and end up completely wrong and enjoy myself completely. This is one of them. Not only was I wrong, not only did I enjoy myself, but I actually ended up thinking more than I probably should about how so many different cultures from different sides of the world thousands of years ago experienced the same thing.

The story starts out at a party, seemingly a combination birthday party reunion between two sisters that quickly turns to a sleep walking conversation to a sleep paralysis conversation to a fight and someone leaving. I don’t remember her name but honestly because one the same actress played both Kate and Beth Bowan as they were twins and two she ends up dead quickly. The living sister quickly teams up with dead sisters boyfriend Evan to find out what her strange dreams mean that they are now both having before it kills them as well. What follows is a roller coaster ride of trying to stay awake not seen since The Nightmare on Elm Street movies and a war between science and the mystical. With out a doubt if you have access to Netflix watch this movie, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

I am the pretty thing that lives in the house


Be happy I love you Savior. This is probably the strangest bad thing I’ve reviewed so far. Things like Aliens: Colonial Marines were just flat out bad, and I’m going to tell you now I didn’t like this movie but it’s weird why not.

Much like the movie Darling I reviewed, this is a really artsy horror film. It centers around a young RN named Lily who moves into the house of a once famous author who’s suffering from severe dementia and has to take care of her. Iris Blum, her patient barely functions in her grand sterile white house…except for the rotting spot that develops in the wall. Lily is curious why Iris won’t call her anything but Polly and discovers the famous book Iris wrote was about a real woman named Polly Parsons who got murdered and buried in the wall and Polly told her the story…

I have to say the narrations for this movie are beautifully written. The cinematography is beautiful. The acting is strange and slightly off putting, which combined with how isolated the house feels and how quiet it is can be quite creepy. So why didn’t I like it? It’s boring. Plain and simple. The movie ends when it just feels like it’s starting to build up to something. The fact that there is rarely dialogue but narration, while as I said is well written, feels pretentious after a while. The ending flat out pissed me off with how anti-climatic it felt.  If this was a novella or short story, I’d call it a damn good one. As a movie, nah. I recommend this to a film student or aspiring writer like myself as a teaching tool but I can’t as a actual horror movie.  As always you guys are awesome, thank you for your time, and may the gaming gods be with you.


The Rezort

The rezort

To start let me say this, I did not spell the title wrong, its a zombie movie and we all know they just toss the letter “Z” where ever they can. With that out of the way this story takes place after the zombie apocalypse after the war against the zombies has been won. A remote island was discovered crawling with them and a well known company that also handles refugees won the bid to eradicate them. Instead in what I feel is the most realistic part of the movie they built a damn amusement park. And well you know this can not go wrong.

Move forward to the movie itself, a woman on her honeymoon alone because her husband left her at the alter goes to the park with a group that includes our main character, a woman that wants to face her fears and her boy friend as well as a few others. it isn’t long before something goes wrong, the fail safes fail zombies are everywhere and people are dead. It is a very well done tho a bit corny at times movie that is very much worth a watch if you are into the zombie genre. There are also a few nice surprises floating around that I will not ruin for you. So go enjoy, and my the gaming gods bring you glory.

1922 trailer


I’m glad Stephen King is jumping back into mainstream popularity again. Just sayin dude. Anyway, so I know Netflix is popping out a original movie for Gerald’s Game and now 1922, one of five stories from the collection Full Dark, No Stars. 1922 in a nutshell is the story of a farming family living in the titular year and how the father kills the mother and throws her in a old well and how the guilt destroy the lives of him and his son. From the brief trailer we got, the plot seems to be there. I’m glad the movie has a grounded feel to it, the actors actually look like a struggling farming  family and the ghostly images aren’t overly flashy. Overall, I think it’s a perfectly doable adaptation and I’m actually fairly excited for it. May the gaming gods be with you and as always thank you for reading.



Holidays isn’t so much a movie as a series of short stories combined to make up a movie, each story consisting of its own holiday such as Valentines day, Easter Halloween or even New Years Eve. Now they are honestly all of varying quality with Valentines day and Halloween being exceptionally good.

Valentines was fun, a swim team that is particularly fond of their coach looking for a new heart. Poor Maxine however is especially fond of him and also happens to be bullied and called Maxi-Pad. I obviously won’t ruin the ending but its a good one.

Halloween is another one that really stood out, and is written by Kevin Smith and actually stars his real life daughter. Three women working as cam workers finally have enough of their abusive live in boss. This one while not the most messed up of the bunch gets pretty brutal. This one definitely makes the list of movies worth checking out. Enjoy and may the gaming gods bring you glory.