Ultimate Fantastic 4: Fantastic / Doom


It’s weird to say anymore, considering how bad the movies and more recent cartoons failed and the comics ceased a few years ago, I’m a big Fantastic 4 fan. Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and the Thing are a dysfunctional family that go on crazy ass adventures and have cool powers.

Ultimate Fantastic 4 begins all the way at the beginning with a kid named Reed Richards, a brilliant kid in a home that doesn’t understand him, except for his only friend Ben Grimm. Because of his genius, he gets recruited into a special program at the famous Baxter building, under the tutelage of Dr. Storm along with his own children Johnny and Sue. Reed is partnered with an exceptionally gifted young man named Victor Van Damme, there task: create a portal to another dimension. They pull together, explorers into a new world but what happens is beyond there comprehension. Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Ben are exposed to a strange energy from the other dimension; Victor seemingly disappears in the wave. The four begin to display drastic changes. Reed stretches, Sue keeps turning invisible, Johnny keeps bursting into flame, and Ben becomes a monster made of rock. They all react differently, unaware of a disgruntled Dr arranging his own plans for his old boss’s daughter; Moleman wants to mate with Sue to create the perfect being, creating horrible mole creatures in the meantime. The four must ban together, fighting the hordes of genetic experiments and take down Moleman in front of all of New York…but the Four’s troubles are just beginning. Victor is alive, left deformed and angry by the blast, living amongst a convent as he works on ways to get revenge on Richards. Enter: Dr Doom.

The first 2 volumes of Ultimate Fantastic 4 are pretty entertaining and the origin is done pretty well. While I’m not thrilled what Ultimate Doom begins as, his debut story is cool enough to enjoy. If you like Sci-Fi or wanted to try Fantastic 4, the first two volumes of Ultimate are pretty cheap and solid. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Detroit:Become Human Demo


I first saw this movie a while back like everyone else at an E3 and thought hey this looks interesting, and pretty. I didn’t much care about the game tho. It was an interesting concept to be sure, it just didn’t seem like my kind of game. Of course when a demo came out tho, I downloaded that to give it a shot. Kind of our thing here at Savior Gaming right?

So the demo starts off with you walking into a crime scene. I was expecting to talk to a few people talk to the shooter and poof demo over. So I walk in and talk to the guy in charge, and he fills me in. A family android has gone off the deep end and killed some people and taken a girl hostage, my job as Connor, another android, is to save the girl above all else.

This is where my expectations were way off. As I wonder the apartment I must learn about what has taken place, and each new information gives me a better chance at success. From learning the androids name is Daniel to the fact that he was close to the daughter. As you piece the crime back together the situation grows more dangerous and it became time to talk to Daniel.

As you walk out the door Daniel takes a shot at you, but the injury isn’t severe. From here this can play out in many ways. For me I slowly made my way closer, gaining his trust and lying about the gun I had found earlier. I reminded him that this little girl was his friend and they were close and she had done nothing wrong. He just wanted to live after all and I was his only chance. This is when he let his guard down and I took the chance to put a bullet in his dead, freeing the girl and ending the stand-off.

After playing thru you get to see a flow chart of all how things have played out for you and the different paths that can happen, and there are plenty. After playing a few more times I noticed a few pieces of evidence I have missed and could have done differently and I have to admit, after playing the demo I have gone from uninterested in the game, to I will eventually buy this one. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Ultimates

the ultimates

Since we still aren’t totally done with the Marvel haul for the year as far as cinema goes, let’s talk about the Ultimates, the book that kick-started  Marvel’s Ultimate universe as well as influenced some key factors of the MCU, while also giving us movies like Amazing Spider-man and Fant4stic as well as an entertaining but watered down animated adapation called Ultimate Avengers.

Ultimates begins in WW2 as the war seems to be coming to a head. Captain Steve Rodgers faces off against a seemingly unkillable Nazi that has been feeding them really advanced alien tech. Seemingly, Cap defeats him but appears to have died saving us from a deadly missile. He survived but finds himself frozen, kept alive by the serum in his blood. Pretty much, the end of Captain America: the First Avenger Awake, walking amongst us, he is hit with the conclusion that Nazi dude still ain’t dead and ain’t even human to begin with. Nick Fury, head of S.H.I.E.L.D searches out the mysterious Iron Man, delusional protester  “Thor”, disgruntled scientist Hank Pym and his way more awesome mutant wife Janet, as well as recruiting agents Black Widow and Hawkeye, fickle aid from the mutant duo Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and lovers gone cold Betty Ross and a sedated and tortured Bruce Banner. They hardly make a team though. Between the disastrous ego of Pym, Banner’s inner demon coming to almost be a bigger threat than the aliens, and Fury’s secrets, can these rejects come together and beat an old evil?

While I’m not a huge Ultimate fan as I stated in my My thoughts: DC New 52 vs Marvel Ultimate post, I do like a lot of the changes made to some characters. I like that Thor hangs out with hippies, I like the dark, creepy tone of Banner/ Hulk, and while I hate Pym’s character from a standpoint, I love watching him get his ass kicked. Giant Man is a piece of shit in this story but it leads to one of my favorite Cap 1 liners “Get big,” before he beats him into the ground at full size. Cap is a full on action movie hero, not quite the super goodie as before. Aesthetically, you’ll see a lot of where the MCU got inspiration in modernizing the looks of a lot of there characters. It’s an entertaining story and the characters are good but a flaw I felt was that the final boss fight was almost anti-climatic compared to other events in the story. If you are new to Marvel, this is a good place to jump in but remember, this isn’t classic Marvel. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


H1Z1 Hits PlayStation in May

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As many of you may already know  the free battle royale game H1Z1 hits PS4 next month to the mixed reaction of many. For more specifics on the changes and a video you can look here but we are going to focus on how many people feel. Seeing as how H1Z1 was popular well before Pubg and Fortnight many would think people would be happy to see this getting a jump to console. After all, new players might revitalize the community. The issue is most PC player seem to have lost faith in Daybreak Games to deliver a solid experience to the console after years of let downs on computer. I for one remain skeptical because of how long it took for this to happen at all, but next month will be interesting. Best wishes, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Chappelle’s Show

chappelle's show

In all my years I can say I never encountered anything like Chappelle’s Show: a a sketch show that made you nearly piss yourself laughing but somehow changed the way I thought about comedy. Dave Chappelle got his own show, I didn’t think twice as a kid. Suddenly I kept hearing half my 6th grade class greeting each other with “I’m Rick James bitch!”. Sadly I didn’t get into it until after Chappelle’s Show ended but I’ve been in love with the show ever since. Tyrone The crackhead, Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories, and that crazy ass ride with Wayne Brady are classics but certain sketches like the family with the strange last name and the PopCopy skit are a hell of a lot more cleaver than people give them credit for. In fact, I quote the PopCopy sketch at least once a day at my other job. Chappelle found a way to do racial comedy that was outrageous but not mean spirited and as I got older, I appreciated that. When days get bad Chappelle’s Show reruns make me laugh my ass off even though I’ve seen them 100 times by now. If you haven’t seen it, I seriously recommend it. May the gaming gods bring you glory, and I end this review with a quote from Chappelle ” Remember, you graduated from Kindergarten and don’t have to take shit from no one.”

Kevin James: Never Don’t Give Up


Kevin James is one of those comedians that is pretty much family friendly, and manages to make you laugh without resorting to swearing or offensive material. This stand-up is no exception. It is also quite possibly his best one yet. On topics ranging from getting his picture taken with strangers to his daughter repeating things he says at birthday parties at no point does he discuss things you wouldn’t want your kids hearing, but he doesn’t alienate adult viewers either. If you are looking for something the whole family can watch that will make everyone laugh, this could be it. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom final trailer


I loved Jurassic Park as a kid; all these years later it still holds up. I was shocked how good Jurassic World was; it was a better, healthier sequel than the actual damn sequels. When I heard World was getting a sequel, I got a little skeptical. I do like the small return to a horror aesthetic, and the creatures look great as always. I’m not really sold on the emphasis on it being about military use dinosaurs but I’d still see what the movie has. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Kin, trailer 1 review


During our outing to see Avengers: Infinity War this was the first of many unexpected trailers we got. In fact, the only trailer I expected was Solo ( Solo Trailer review ). It seems to be the story of two brothers who find some kind of ray gun and get hunted by the government and some kind of weird aliens or robots, or I don’t know while dealing with there hard knock life. I really wasn’t sure how to gauge it so I’ll keep an eye out for trailers to come. May the gaming gods bring you glory..

Disgaea HD remake Confirmed

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What seems like not long ago, but was actually 15 years ago the 1st Dishaea game was released, one many people seem to have missed. But luckily for Sony and Nintendo fans this fall an HD remake is coming to the Switch and PS4 with updated graphics and much more, and the NIS website is offering a limited edition special version. You can get more info here at IGN