Disgaea HD remake Confirmed

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What seems like not long ago, but was actually 15 years ago the 1st Dishaea game was released, one many people seem to have missed. But luckily for Sony and Nintendo fans this fall an HD remake is coming to the Switch and PS4 with updated graphics and much more, and the NIS website is offering a limited edition special version. You can get more info here at IGN

Avengers Infinity War (2nd Opinion)

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Well it finally happened. The new Avengers released so me and @torstenvblog planned a trip to the not quite local movie theater to see it. So with the help of a stolen ( borrowed from momma savior) car we journeyed off to see the movie. Now @torstenvblog didn’t have high hopes and truth be told while I was a bit more open-minded I expected a more solid movie I didn’t expect greatness. But how was it?

Well from the get go this doesn’t waste time getting into to. You won’t be waiting around to see Thanos or getting into the story. You will be thrown right into things, and not in a bad way. The only real draw back is that while you don’t have to see the last Thor movie or Black Panther movie for example to enjoy this one ( I did not) it truly will help and I highly recommend it. This is by no means a good spot to try to enter the MCU, but it can be done I think.

Thanos as a villain is great,I have my own theories on this one but that will be in a future post. Suffice it to say I enjoyed hating this bastard. It was also nice having a bad guy that not only wasn’t an idiot but also did things that were actually bad. He is by far my favorite villain not named Loki.

The movie isn’t perfect of course, but it was still great and Thor by far stole the show. I loved seeing Dr. Strange and and Tony Start bicker back and forth and Spidey making Alien reference this week of quite nice. Some of he CGI looked a bit off at times especially when it came to the Hulk Buster suit. @torstenvblog felt the pacing was a bet off as well but personally I enjoyed the roller coaster like ride. You can read his thoughts however for yourself . Avengers: Infinity War.

The ending is also not anything I wasn’t expecting, but they managed to do it in such a way that I didn’t care, and for me that was all that mattered. This movie should not be missed. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Avengers: Infinity War

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It’s here, the climatic finale to the past decade of building inside the MCU. I’ve been seeing reviews left and right, many calling this film spectacular and some just going meh. We aren’t ruining the film epic so no spoilers here…

Picking up after Ragnarok, Thanos has seized the remnants of the Asgardian people in space and has gone slaughtering his way through them to Thor with his badass Black Order, looking for the Tesseract. Already possessing the power stone, he makes short work of them. The only survivors are Thor and a Hulk who has been sent to Earth, crashing through the Sanctum of Dr Strange while Thor ends up meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy. The Order comes to Earth, searching for the time and mind stones while Thanos confronts the Collector to retrieve the reality stone, leaving a tragic reunion to come to the soul stone. In the End, the fate of existence as we know it comes down to a enormous war in Wakanda and a distant fight against a seemingly invincible Thanos. With the odds so hugely against them, can the Avengers last against the Mad Titan?

I absolutely loved this movie and I recommend it to all. I admit it isn’t perfect, the pacing is funky and you you damn well it’s a long movie; this IS NOT a good entry point to the MCU if you never stepped in before. The movie won me great performances that are surprisingly well shared considering the huge cast list, the effects and scale are mind-blowing, the balance between comedy and drama is well done, Josh Brolin is a great villain as Thanos, and this movie has the balls to take risks. I’m sure I’ll find other knicks in the armor but I’m pretty confident and saying I’m pleased with the result. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


Captain America: Civil War (Cap side) Captain America Civil War (Iron Man Side)  Doctor Strange ( 2016)  Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)  Spider-man: Homecoming Thor: Ragnarok  Black Panther  Avengers: Infinity War

Stop Spoiling Movies


As we enjoy another big movie release, and we just enjoyed another big game release with God of War I have seen another massive amount of people either spoiling these things or complaining about people spoiling it for them. Seriously I have to say. Stop it. Just stop. Now I am not saying never, if a movie has been out awhile feel free to discuss and post about it. If you run a blog or post the ending to a movie that has been out on DVD a few months or years I am not talking to you, you have done nothing wrong.

I am talking to you people who think it is funny or clever to post the ending to movies that come out that day, or even later in the week. You know, the people that blow through a game in a day then post the ending on Facebook. You aren’t funny, you are an asshole. You aren’t only spoiling the movie for fans, tens of thousands of man hours go into making these movies and games. Despite popular belief most of these people that get paid millions legitimately love what they do and want people to enjoy their work, and you are destroying that part of their job.

Don’t get me wrong, I know some people don’t mind spoilers. If your friend says hey whats the ending by all means shoot him a text and tell him. That is between you guys. But if you are the guy posting it on Facebook and spoiling the ending of a movie or game people have waited years to see, you aren’t funny. You are just a shitty human being. So just stop ruining movies and games, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Avengers 2 was one of those rare movies that when the trailer dropped, I’m think the world stopped for one minute. My phone exploded with texts and calls asking me what I thought, was I pumped, who’s going to die and like 100 other questions. Did it live up to the hype?

Ultron picks up where Winter Soldier primarily ended, the Avengers closing in on perhaps the final and most crucial Hydra base containing Baron von Strucker, Loki’s scepter, and the Maximoff twins: Pietro (Quicksilver) and Wanda (Scarlet Witch). The Avengers crush Strucker’s forces but the twins cause a problem, but otherwise they were victorious. With greener pastures on the horizon and life wearing all of them down, Stark and Banner have an idea: create the ultimate Avenger so they can live normal lives again. Enter Ultron. Corrupting Jarvis and getting life from the scepter’s power, he realizes how much devastation the Avengers cause, he turns on them. Joining with the disgruntled twins, Ultron evolves and sets to destroy the Avengers and kill humanity with his ultimate creation, the vision of perfection ( wink wink) Can the Avengers stop these mounting threats as tensions rise to destroy them?

Ultron is a really good movie but it does drop the ball in some spots. The cast, effects, and general story are damn good. What kills this movie for me are the quips and forced comedy. I’ve read a few Ultron comics- Ultron is cold, angry, and sinister. When the script allows, James Spader does fantastic as Ultron but I hated the damn puns, on top of how much they bitched him down, much like a huge issue I had with X-Men: Apocalypse . I love the twins and especially Paul Bettany’s transition from Jarvis to Vision, who stole the show for the finale. I feel there was some bloating but nowhere near DC level bad. Also, as a minor grip, I wish they kept Hank Pym as the creator of Ultron instead of Tony Stark but I can get over it.  In the end, it’s a good sequel and a good movie but it had so much more potential. Below I’m giving a phase 2 watchlist as well as the trailer that had us all frantic. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Iron Man 3 (2013)  Thor: The Dark World  Captain America: Winter Soldier  Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)  Avengers: Age of Ultron Ant-Man

Aliens: Dead Orbit

alien dead orbit

Happy Alien Day once again my friends from Savior and I. I bought the latest Dark Horse graphic novel just for this special occasion. I’m going to start by saying I’m admittedly not a huge fan of the Aliens comics for one reason or another and I never read a book, though I do want to someday. I’m happy to say, Dead Orbit is exactly what I wanted in a Aliens comic.

Dead Orbit is the ill fated story of Wey- Yu station Sphacteria coming across a derelict ship in the middle of deep space. Inside the ship are three people in cryo-sleep, all of which get horribly burned when the pods malfunction leaving the crew in a desperate panic to save them. As they try finding out what the deal is with the crew, why their ship was so destroyed inside and why their is only 3 seemingly on board out of 8, the moment comes when they realize the answer. Though sedated and violently charred, two of the bodies start writhing in agony as there chests break open and the Aliens emerge. With no weapons on board, the crew faces madness as the last survivor reveals the truth, and hope becomes lost…

James Stokoe did an amazing job with this book; without a doubt it’s my favorite Aliens comic to date. Artistically it captures the run-down look of the original film while adding a strong manga flair which beautifully fit. The story is short, self contained, and frenetic as hell and doesn’t have huge action scenes as the Aliens title would have you think but is far more claustrophobic horror as the first film. If you love the series or want a good horror comic, this book is a must read. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Happy Alien Day!

Happy Alien day everyone, the second best holiday in my year ( yep, I’m that kind of nerd.) If you have followed us for a while, you’ll know how huge of a Alien fan I am. Aliens was the first or second movie I ever watched, scarring the hell out of my psyche but inspiring me for decades to make my own monsters and pay it forward as the saying goes. Later today, I’m covering Aliens: Dead Obit, the latest Dark Horse graphic novel and at the bottom I’m listing links to every, yes EVERY Alien post I’ve ever done so please check them out and may the gaming gods bring you glory and spare you from the wrath of the perfect organism…

Alien Aliens Alien 3 Alien Resurrection Prometheus Alien: Covenant

Aliens- the evolution and variances of Xenomorphs H.R. Giger : master of nightmares

Alien and Predator: Fire and Stone

Alien Trilogy Alien Resurrection: the game Aliens Vs Predator (2010) Aliens: Colonial Marines Alien: Isolation

Mom and Dad (2018)


As a parent myself I can honestly say every parent has thought ” damn it I hate my kids some times” but I can’t say I have ever wanted to kill them. You know, for legal reasons. Don’t want that in writing. Mom and Dad however is about a typical suburban family, you know mom dad two-story house two cars daughter and son.

I have to stress this, the movie is pretty much the epitome of a dark horror movie. The general idea is that one day things are normal when all of a sudden parents attempt to kill their children. While this sounds like a straight out horror movie, and it easily could be they did make it a comedy and I am glad they did.

The movie is far from perfect. The children for example play pretty boring characters, and Nickolas Cage will either be an insane over acted character you love or hate.

The good however is really good, the concept is rather fun, the comedy aspect is really fun and the horror part is pretty well done as well. The very beginning sets up a few things for later that either  you forget about until they pop up or that hint at some social commentary that doesn’t really go where you expect.

There is however one scene that may be a bit much for some people who I feel the need to warn people about. It does set up a key part of the story, but some people may be a bit touchy on the subject. One scene has a woman having a baby. After being allowed to hold it she starts to squeeze the baby which results in the nursing staff and her sister freaking out and attempting to get the baby off her. The sister then reaches for a scalpel to stab the kid with. They do save the baby, and the scene sets the fact up that the parents will only attack their own kids specifically, but it can be a bit graphic for some. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale series

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I can’t say I’m a fine connoisseur of Telltale games. In fact, the only other I’ve actually played was Tales from the Borderlands  which was awesome and Savior told great things about Batman: The Telltale Series and The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1 . Essentially, if you played any of the others, you get the gist of this: point and click with a story that will tug on your heartstrings. We follow our favorite Guardians (Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot.) as they come into contact with a mysterious artifact called the Eternity Forge that can revive anyone back from the dead. I’m not going too deep into the plot to avoid spoilers but if you love the characters you knew in the movie, you’ll love this game. It is not a movie game though it tries like hell to ride the vibes of the movie. It is a slow burn but satisfying by the end, just keep going with it during the slow parts but does feel bloated at times. It’s not a great game, but it’s not terrible and you get a free Platinum upon completion; I recommend it if it’s $10 or less. May the gaming gods bring you glory.