Take Your Stinking Paws Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape!

Master Mix Movies

Planet of the Apes is the classic tale of an upside down world where apes are the dominant species. It’s a concept that could have very easily been campy, but everything behind the scenes ensured that wouldn’t be the case. Respected actor Charlton Heston stars in what is perhaps the most iconic (non-biblical) role of his career. Ironically he’s the only major celebrity not wearing a monkey suit. Although the makeup may seem dated by today’s standards, it was groundbreaking at the time. Sure the mouths sometimes didn’t move properly. It didn’t stop the film from winning an honorary Oscar for Best makeup. Coupled with thought-provoking themes of class, humanity, war, and even faith, and Planet of the Apes became one of the most talked about movies of the late 60’s. My parents first introduced us to Planet of the Apes at a very young age. With all its profanity…

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Addams Family trailer 2

I grew up loving the Addams Family like many others and it hurts a little that after 2 trailers this movie still isn’t clicking with me. While I think the cast is great, the fact the movie is animated kinda bugs me. While a lot of the jokes didn’t resonate with me, I think younger kids will like it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Dragonball Z: Buu Saga (Tournament)

dbz 7

After the finale of Dragonball Z: Android Saga (Cell Games) there would be a time of peace for Gohan and the Z Fighters. In the Afterlife, Goku finds himself with a golden opportunity to train with Grand Kai by competing in a tournament against the champions of the other Kais, including King Kai’s nemesis West Kai. Goku faces off against a mysterious warrior named Pikkon in the finals, a fighter that’s more than a match for the Super Saiyan…Seven Years have passed and Gohan has become a scholar like his mother always wanted, living with his mom and little brother Goten in a quiet life. For fun Gohan became a super hero while going to high school and became friends with the girl he’d eventually marry, Videl, Hercule’s daughter  and small time hero in her own right. It isn’t long before Gohan and Vegeta, whose also living the quiet life, discover the power of Goten and young Trunks when they go Super Saiyan at ages 7 and 8. Goku earns the right to come back to Earth for one whole day so his friends get together and enter the World Martial Arts Tournament for old times sake but something devious maybe going on behind the scenes. Is this time of peace coming to an end?

For season 7 I have a lot to say. First, I think it’s the weakest season of the series and there is a shit ton of filler. My favorite part was the fight between Goku and Pikkon during the Other World Tournament. Goten and Trunks are have moments when they become annoying, and I can’t help but agree with Vegeta, something as awesome as the power of a Super Saiyan is now a child’s plaything. In fact, from here on out, if you ain’t Saiyan, you ain’t shit in this series. Characters like Piccolo and Krillin are pretty much rendered useless. While I understand why Gohan dedicated himself to his studies, I can’t buy that a mart kid like him would stop training altogether and would’ve kept preparing for the possibility bad times would come. Gohan’s superhero alter ego makes me cringe. In the end, if you can watch a recap somewhere, I’d recommend skipping this season and moving onto season 8. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Country Bear Jamboree — Master Mix Movies

The Country Bears is one of the earliest movies based on a Disney park attraction. Something that would become a bit of a trend moving forward. Why they thought making an entire movie centered around the “Country Bear Jamboree” was a good idea is beyond me. I didn’t see the movie until very recently. Despite […]

via Country Bear Jamboree — Master Mix Movies

Spider-man: Matters of Life and Death

spidey life and death

Spider-man is one of the most pure hearted superheroes of all time, but has also suffered some of the most too. This book deals with yet another loss for Peter Parker as well as his drive not to kill…

Things were starting to look up for Peter Parker at last. He had a good job where he could use his scientific genius, he found a new girl and still best friends with MJ, and Aunt May was happy with her new husband and daughter in law, even if her son in law was Peter’s ex boss/ mayor of New York, J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson’s sins rear there ugly head when a group of scorned villains try to sabotage his son John’s big space mission, led by Scorpion and Alistair Smythe. Spider-man puts up a hell of a fight but Jonah’s wife Marla gets caught in the crossfire and dies in his arms. Once again Peter is wrought with guilt, not just over the guilt but the feeling that he’s too soft on the villains he fights and if he killed, some people would still be alive. When a psycho named Massacre starts committing his namesake, Spider-man’s morals are put to the test…

This book is a good addition to any Spider-man fan’s collection. Besides the main story, we also get some stories from Agent Venom, The Fantastic Four, and Power Man which was really cool. The writing and art are really well done and the story I liked a lot, reminding me why I love Spider-man so much, being a perfect blend of pathos, action, and humor. There are a good amount of villains, both well known and lesser known. The only complaint I have is the last story feels tacked on and doesn’t fit so feel with the overlying theme but was a nice decent short. In the end, it’s a good book for any Spidey fan and I’d recommend it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Angel (Season one)

Angel is one of those shows I watched when I was much younger that I enjoyed, tho it had a counterpart Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I didn’t really care for weirdly. I recently watched season 1 just for a break in my usual stuff while my daughter is running around and I have to say all these years later and David Boreanaz is still a joy to watch. He really nails the dark and brooding part of the show, but his sense of humor is still note worthy. A lot of people can pull of the dark and broody attitude or have a great sense of humor, most can’t do both as well as David. His chemistry with Charisma Carpenter is also pretty great who pulls off the ditzy rich chick role amazingly.

Both characters will slowly grow into people that are trying to improve themselves as they are far from perfect. Angel is on a quest for redemption as his previous life of evil landed him with a curse from gypsies that gave the vampire his soul back. They fight the good fight against other vampires, demons, and lawyers. The last one isn’t a joke by the way, there really is a law firm in the show called Wolfram and Hart. They are basically involved in helping the underworld stary out of jail and hide their activity. It is a pretty cool concept that works out well. Regardless if you haven’t seen the show before it is worth checking out. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Forager (PS4)

Forager is a game that out the gate seems overwhelming and weird. You basically start as a guy with a pickaxe and are told to build something. After that, the game basically leaves you alone. You then collect resources with your pickaxe to build new things and collect money. More money will let you unlock more land and build bigger and better things.

Over time you can build machines that will blast resources for you as they pop-up and you can get new skills to auto collect them. There is quite a bit of land to explore, temples to explore, enemies to fight and plenty of things to build and upgrade. There is no shortage of things to do, tho they do get a bit repetitive most notably at the beginning when you are simply doing the same thing while struggling to get what you need to build basic things. It isn’t long before things start to open up tho and you start to notice how many things tie together to create a pretty original experience despite the fact it feels like a cross between Minecraft and Terraria, both great games in their own right. If you like them tho, you may enjoy this one. So by all means check it out, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Little Monsters trailer 1

Just when I thought I’d seen every kind of Zombie story I could, we get this. Miss Caroline and her kindergarten class find some zombies during a field trip. I fully admit, this caught my eye over the trailer for Zombieland Double Tap . bHonestly this is a idea I’m surprised we really haven’t seen yet and I’m actually pretty excited for this movie. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Endgame Writer Explains Why There Was No Thanos/Hulk Rematch

ScreenRant recently talked about how co-writer of Avengers Endgame Stephen McFeely finally answered the question of why we never got to see that Hulk vs Thanos rematch many of us looked forward to. As one of the people that was initially annoyed by this I have to admit, it makes a lot of sense. The general idea is simple. After the snap, he learned to be more one with the Hulk and became Smart Hulk as the MCU calls him. Because of this, it was no longer a driving force for him to fight Thanos or anyone else.

That is it, that is why we never got our rematch. Because Smart Hulk had no desire to fight him again. Now while this does make sense, I will admit I still would have enjoyed seeing this. Going forward tho smart hulk can be quite fun to watch. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Quick Game Review: Rage 2 (Xbox One) — BeardedGamer82 Gaming Blog

Quick Game Review: Rage 2 (Xbox One) Rage 2 is an Open World FPS and the sequel to Rage that previously released on PS3 and Xbox 360. Rage 2 continues the gunplay success of the original Rage and shows why it’s so renowned for its top-notch gunplay. Each weapon and melee attack are done with […]

via Quick Game Review: Rage 2 (Xbox One) — BeardedGamer82 Gaming Blog