First Image of the New Joker

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As we all know there is a new stand alone Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix. His name will be Arthur Fleck in the origin story and recently we got our first view of him as you can see here in Rolling Stone.

Honestly I am not crazy about it, nor am I all that much of a fan of Phoenix as an actor but that being said my biggest issue is I am mostly just burn out on the Joker character as it is. I understand that from a business point he sells and in the end it will always be Batman vs Joker but I would love to a different villain get some love. That is honestly just my opinion on the matter, but for me I just can’t care about this movie or the character anymore. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

As above, so below

above below

When it comes to found footage, it’s a real niche genre. There is Paranormal Activity and The Last Exorcism which were at least convincing, and then you have movies like The Devil Inside blew the concept. As Above So Below is one of the later.

We follow a history student named Scarlet as she sets out on a documentary to find the legendary Philosopher’s Stone. Her search leads her to believe the stone under the catacombs under Paris, deep below the City of Lights is a network of winding, endless tunnels and thousands of bones gathered over centuries. It’s believed the tunnels rest between our world and hell, and lies the stone. Would you descend into hell for the key to ultimate wealth?

The concept for this movie is great; the catacombs are a fantastic setting for horror. The rest of the movie is a train wreck. The characters are thinner than tissue paper; the plot is too. I’m still trying to understand how the hell the ending works. Characters face secrets they hid in hellish visions but they haven’t really established the characters enough to care or connections to what we see later so it’s just random. There’s a hell of a lot of shaky cam and jump scare noises- in fact I’d say it’s 90% of the movie. This movie is one of those sad cases of great potential lost in artless trend and I don’t recommend it at all. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Bethesda Hints for Next Gen


Gamespot recently reported that during a recent interview Pete Hines made some interesting remarks about the Next generation of consoles. He went so far to say he is “privy” to some info but can’t talk about it. It also seems to that many suspicions that the new Elder Scrolls would skip this generation entirely is most likely true. Check out the Gamespot link for more details, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Mary Poppins Returns trailer

So we finally get a real trailer for the surprising sequel to the beloved children’s classic. Mary Poppins Returns teaser was just that, but I can now say it looks promising. Emily Blunt doesn’t seem like a bad choice to reprise the role Julie Andrews made iconic. I like the technicolor effects for the vintage Disney vibe. In the end, it will be something interesting to see; may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Lunch Truck Tycoon 2 Review (PS4)

lunch truck tycoon 2

It isn’t often I play a game that 100% makes me thing ” why the fuck did I buy this.” That being said, why the fuck did I buy this? The game in theory should be fun. It’s a tycoon game, in an open world and it actually has a story. Its pretty basic, a bunch of food manes people sick and you are attempting to rebuild your business so you may as well solve this problem.

The reality is the game is horrible. The controls make your food truck feel like you are driving a tank the map is essentially useless and to make matters worse outside of some basic stuff the game doesn’t actually tell you what to be doing. There is a short tutorial showing you where different places are to sell your food and such.

The issue is nothing in the game works, I’ve gotten stuck in menus and had to reset the game entirely, launched my truck into water because it simply wouldn’t stop or turn. The game sadly had a lot of potential but most of the game either doesn’t work or works so poorly. I got the game on sale for $5 which is half off its normal price, and I’ve blown way more on some pretty dumb stuff, but this is a complete waste of money. Do not buy this game, best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

X men: the official game

x men the offical game

I have a weird pet peeve when it comes to franchises. I hate when a series begins in one medium but has installments in other mediums to fill in the gaps. X men the offical game is one such game, existing to connect the gaps between X2: X men United and X Men: The Last Stand . The game is divided into three campaigns: Wolverine, Iceman, and Nightcrawler leading into where they are in the third film.

The game isn’t a marvel (yes, pun intended) by any means. As Wolverine, you go straight up hack n slash which never really feels special. Nightcrawler you teleport around trying for more stealth attacks; the teleporting can be funky and like many stealth characters, you take a lot of damage super quick. Iceman you slide around on streams of ice and blast stuff with ice projectiles; his part was my favorite of the three and ran the smoothest. There is a comic book style to the cut scenes which doesn’t really fit that great. Graphics are fine and the voices are fine. In the end, the game is meh but doesn’t really try to be anything super special even to a hard core fan. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Spider-man 2: the game

spidey 2 ps2

Spider- man 2 is one of my all time favorite superhero movies and strangely  has probably the best movie tie  in game I’ve ever played. The story follows the main story of the movie while adding a Black Cat thread through most of the game, ending with a rematch against Shocker after the events of Spider-man (Ps2 era) as well as facing off against Rhino and Mysterio- which has a hilarious end.

Unlike most reviews , I’m going to start with the negatives rather than bad to good. The worst aspect of the game is the voice acting which, with the exception of Bruce Campbell as the narrator again, sounds dry and tired. The game otherwise is damn near perfect. Web swinging is fantastic; Spider-man moves with a lot of cool acrobatics and feels fast and realistic. Combat is fun, almost a precursor to the Arkham game. There is a flaw with the combat in that once you master the game’s mechanics, you no longer need the instinct mode and the game becomes too easy- there is only one difficulty. There are races, civilians to save, pizzas to deliver, petty crimes to stop, and secrets to find to pass the time which is fun. In the end, the game is far behind it’s time and deserves a fun play through. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


Anguish (2015)

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Anguish is a horror movie that I admittedly thought would be good. The idea was good. A girl named Tess is diagnosed with a personality disorder but things aren’t what they seem. The acting is good and the story honestly is pretty easy to follow, but that is basically where I stopped enjoying the movie. It is just not good. The first hour or so is a whole lot of talking and is mostly meaningless. The last 25 minutes or so is where we finally get into the actual events of what is going on and why but by that time I was so bored I no longer cared.

This review is short admittedly and I won’t spoil the ending for you, but I also don’t suggest seeing it for yourself. I wouldn’t watch this movie again, there are far better movies out there, go watch any of them before you watch this one. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina trailer

After watching the Riverdale season 3 trailer and being curious as hell, the curiosity tripled after finding out Sabrina was getting her own show again. Well, a weird day it is when Sabrina the teenage witch has a freakier trailer than American Horror Story . I was caught off guard and I’m glad to say it looks pretty cool and I’m willing to give the new creative direction a shot. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Venom rating announced

venom 2018

I’ve been following the Venom movie pretty closely, especially since the rumors began that it was going to be rated R. With the huge successes of Deadpool , Deadpool 2 , and Logan as well as the fact it wasn’t a part of the MCU I imagined it’d be no problem getting a R rating. Well, it’s PG-13 which is pissing off much of the nerd community. I understand, the first thought that comes to mind is the watered down, corny Venom of Spider-man 3 ; another foul taste that comes to mind is the unwise choice of making The Dark Tower PG-13. While the Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises made the absolute most of there PG-13 ratings, I have to admit I’m seriously doubtful now about this movie. I think Tom Hardy will be great, I think the creature effects will be great, but everything else will be played out. I pray I’m wrong, but time will tell. May the gaming gods bring you glory.