Young Guns (1988)

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Young guns is a movie I haven’t seen in years, to the point I forgot what both movies were even about. Seriously I forgot it was about Billy the Kid and Doc.  The story starts out with a man named John Tunstall taking in a bunch of deviant basically criminals and giving them a second chance. The problem is him and another local cattle merchant are both going for a government contract for beef and with some powerful enemies John is murdered.

Billy, Doc and the rest of Johns boys are deputized to arrest the murderers and go off to do their thing. Billy however gets a little trigger happy and kills the first guy they go to arrest. This results in a gun fight that kills many and a legend is born.

What follows is an interesting take on the Billy the Kid story. Emilio Estevez and Charlie sheen do an amazing job at their roles as does Kiefer Sutherland as Doc Scurlock. In an era when westerns died off it managed to be a great movie that even warranted a sequel, a movie that I will be covering as well and I promise will be getting my recommendation just as well as this one. If by some chance you haven’t seen the Young Guns movies, Hulu has them both and Netflix has the first and now is a great time to check them out. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Supernatural Season 6

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Supernatural season 6 Starts out a year after the end of season 5 with Dean living a normal life after dealing with the death of Sam after they finally end the apocalypse and defeat Lucifer and Michael. At least that is what Dean thinks. The 22 episode season will detail Dean finding out Sam is alive and Deans struggle to maintain the life he as always wanted and the life of a hunter that he loves.

There is a lot to go through and I don’t want to spoil too much, but seeing as how it aired about 8 years ago I don’t mind to much giving some of the highlights. This season you will see the rise of a new king of hell, the birth of a god and the end of the war in heaven. The show through six seasons hasn’t really lost anything and at this point it is actually quite surprising all things considered. I am still really enjoying it and it is still pretty interesting. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Supernatural Seasons 1 through 5

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I wouldn’t say I joined the Supernatural trip late, its more accurate to say I fell off the bus around season 3 and jumped back on when it was a few seasons later. And by that I mean Netflix has 13 seasons and 14 will start airing way before I finish catching up. Seriously, one day Jared is on Gilmore Girls (Yea I liked the show, you can mock me if you want)then boom it’s over 13 years later and he is still on Supernatural. I won’t lie I know Jenson was on Smallville for a bit and Dawson”s Creek but I honestly can’t say I remember seeing any of it.

The shows first couple seasons really set up the brothers dynamic and how they came to be hunters in the first place. From the death of their mother and Sam (Jared) leaving Dean (Jenson) and their father John Winchester  (Jeffery Dean Morgan) to do things on their own. When dad goes missing on a hunting trip Dean bothers Sam at college to help find him. While this doesn’t go well Sams girlfriend shuffles the mortal coil the same way their mom did. The search for dad and revenge will move on.

As the seasons progress more and more things are dealt with, ghost, shapeshifters, demons you name it. We will see them go through god knows how many bags of salt, silver bullets and they will set more than a few things on fire.Should also probably mention by the end of season 5 we will find out that angels, Lucifer and even God are all real and are all honestly pricks.  Tho most of the gods we read about are real the in the world of Supernatural and apparently very killable.

Honestly I think that may be why the show has the staying power it does, beyond the fact that women like men enjoy watching good-looking people doing stuff. It takes a very simple and popular topic, put a different spin on it people aren’t used to, and away you go. The characters are mostly likable except for a few that you would rather have dead but to be fair,they are mostly the bad guys anyway. There is also significant character growth over the seasons which is quite rare on most shows that go on this long. I don’t want to spoil too much since like myself some people may be a bit late to the party and trying to catch up, but for any fans of monsters and ghost and the like the show is very much worth watching. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Martyr (Xbox one)


hey kids, do you like Diablo? Do you like killing thousands of enemies with magic and swords? Want to try it with a guns in the 41st century in a space setting? If you said yes to all or most of these questions than Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Martyr might be for you. Just do not try to say the name three times fast, there is a reason people write and say 40k as opposed to forty thousand. Can any of you think of a longer name off the top of your head?

Insanely long name aside Warhammer from Bigben interactive ( PC version was by Neocore games) is of course of the Action RPG genre and much like Diablo will see you running around kill insane amounts if stuff to find better gear to better kill insane amounts of stuff. That is not to say this game is exactly like Diablo, far from in fact. They are just similar in style in some areas.

Graphically the game won’t win any awards, but the ship looks good and the character models are nice. My time with the ,didn’t see any major glitches or issues, so don’t expect any Mass Effect Andromeda type things happening. The voice acting was well done and I enjoyed it tho some people may feel differently as that sort of thing can be subjective at times. I also enjoyed the ever-changing maps that thankfully change constantly using prefabricated parts.


Now for the downside, for starters I wasn’t a fan of the inventory system, that being said most inventory systems seem pretty cumbersome in these games and at this point it is just the nature of the beast. The same can be said for the very repetitive combat system. While the effect of the various skills look nice they won’t make up for the fact that at times I felt like I was simply mashing buttons while working my way through a truck load of enemies for no other reason than to get better gear. This isn’t so much an issue with Martyr as it is the genre as a whole and there isn’t anything that can be done about it to be truthful, it is just something to be aware of.


Now the reason you are all here, should you buy this game? In all honesty I would not. I won’t tell you not to tho. It is an average game and fans of the genre will enjoy it I think. Its PC counterpart has pretty average reviews and I expect the Xbox one and PS4 will get the same. From me? 7/10 an average game that fans of the genre will probably like, but probably wait for a sale or rent it.

One final note, I played this game based off a Review copy provided by the company which I am eternally grateful for. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Chasing Amy (1997)

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Chasing Amy is one of the earlier Kevin Smith movies, tho not one of the Jay and Silent Bob movies. Starring Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams and Jason Lee the story is about two comic book writers, Ben and Jason just doing their thing when they meet another, less popular writer, Adams.

Holden (Ben) and Adams (Alyssa) of course eventually fall in love after much chasing by Holden. Tho Alyssa is, or was a lesbian her entire life. Jason (Banky) doesn’t really approve of it, and he makes this quite well-known. He actually is quite homophobic to the point he claims lesbians that don’t hate men aren’t even real, kind of like the Easter Bunny or Santa. ( His Claim not mine)

Eventually however we find out that Alyssa is not as innocent as she pretended to be. Not that this is either bad or good, it simply is what it is. She has however been with men in the past, something she did in fact lie about. This doesn’t sit well with Holden. It is also later revealed that part of why Banky disliked Alyssa so much is he himself has some pretty homosexual tendencies.

The movie itself is pretty well done and is good for plenty of laughs and thought-provoking at times and is worth a watch, the movie however should not be taken overly seriously. Like many Kevin Smith movies there is plenty of social commentary to be had but over all it is simply fun and childish at times. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.


Zombie Spring Breakers (2017)


Every so often I see an interesting looking B movie so I check it out. Sometimes they are great sometimes I watch them and wonder why in the hell I was dumb enough to watch it. This time it fell somewhere in between. The movie was not good, but it was an interesting concept and the actors really put their hearts into making what was clearly a bad movie and making it at least fun, which they did.

The basic idea is in a world where people worry about zombies the way people worry about catching a terminal disease a group of friends and one sister go on a vacation for spring break. We have the usual group, guy and girl who broke up fighting a bit, the hot sister and the perverted friend that later turns out to be a virgin, the quiet foreigner that becomes heroic later, you know the crew. Anyway, eventually things go bad and the race to get off the island begins. It has its moments of being funny, but for the most part it’s a cliché zombie B movie with some nudity and small amount of gore. It is interesting enough or fans of B movies, but for everyone don’t bother watching it. Also the ending is legitimately ridiculous. I understand where it came from and why, and it was admittedly pretty original and clever, it just made much of the movie pointless. Bonus points tho for doing something new tho. I don’t regret watching it, but I feel like I would be in the minority there. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

The Package (2018)


The Package is a um, interesting movie. The basic idea is ridiculous to even explain. When five friends go on a camping trip and decide to get drunk shit goes bad very fast. See when you have a drunk idiot playing with a butterfly knife while taking a leak bad things happen. Especially when your drunk idiot friends decide to scare you. The med evac gets there pretty fast so Jeremy gets there alive and well. His penis on the other hand, well that got left at the camp site when they accidentally gave the medics the beer instead of the penis.

Yea, that entire movie is a group of 4 friends trying to get Jeremy his dick back. The journey is quite eventful honestly. There are some injuries, a stolen boat, an 11-year-old pervert got slapped ( he deserved it) and even the heinous act of lost cell phones. Seriously tho the movie is weird, but in a fun way.

The movie has some solid acting and a fun premise. It isn’t new but can be exciting at times, if not goofy as hell needlessly. It is definitely worth watching if you like weird and awkward comedies.  Just don’t go into this expecting greatness, the movie is fun but it isn’t life changing or new, simply fun. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you greatness.

Monster Hunter World (PS4)

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I have a weird history with the Monster Hunter series in the past. I never loved or hated them, which is probably why I played a few. I jumped at the chance to play the Monster Hunter World Beta, but I wasn’t in any real hurry to buy the full release. After playing the beta it was simply another Monster Hunter game for me. It still is by the way, and before anyone jumps on me admittedly it is the best Monster Hunter I have played, Monster Hunter World is still Monster Hunter.

The idea is still the same as always, kill stuff, get new gear, kill more stuff repeat. This isn’t a bad thing, its what the series is. It is why the fan base plays the game and it looks and plays better than it ever has before. The game is stunningly beautiful and the controls are more fluid than they have ever been. Tho seeing creatures disappear inside of rocks and stuff just to smack the hell out of me when the lunge or spin out will always piss me off. Don’t worry tho, its not a bug it’s a feature.  There are some things most reviews I have seen don’t mention, so those are what I will focus on. The game is grind heavy, and I do mean HEAVY. You can spend hours just farming for items to build weapons and armor you need to make equipment you need at the higher level hunts. So if you are easily discouraged or simply hate that sort of thing, this may not be for you.

While there is a story to Monster Hunter World, its very basic and isn’t why most people play the game. If you are looking for a well written in depth story, you probably won’t consider this to be it. It isn’t bad by the way, but its really only about 30 hours or so and doesn’t exactly have a ton of twist and turns. It is almost like a tutorial to introduce you to the mechanics and ease you into why people play the monster hunter series, which is to hunt huge monsters with huge weapons and create characters capable of killing them.

Monster Hunter World is the most approachable game in the series, but it isn’t exactly approachable for casual players. That isn’t to say the game us hard or impossible but it does take some getting used to and practice. You aren’t likely to have success picking random hunts and mashing buttons while picking armor and weapons you think look cool. I have a friend that tries that and keeps asking me to help him kill stuff, then fails the hunt when stuff one shot kill him. He gets a pissed and I tell him why he dies then he doesn’t listen anyway, and it makes me laugh. Anyway, for me the game isn’t worth $60, but the $20 on a sweet sale I found makes it worth it. I know others that spent $60 and never looked back. This game is one of those games that is worth different to different people specifically because of what it is. I won’t say to buy it or not, but if you can rent or play with a friend if you have never experienced the Monster Hunter series before because it is vastly different than what most people have played. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Planetside 2 (PS4)

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So me and @torstenvblog have been trying to find a game to play recently, and with Dead by Daylight being free this month on PSN we started there, and well you can read to see how that went. We then said let’s try Planetside 2, which me and Torsten actually have conflicting opinions on. See he hates it and used some, colorful, terms to describe it. Full disclosure he died, a lot and often.

On the other hand there is me, I also died quite a bit to be 100% honest but unlike him I got better as time went on. The game has some huge maps, that for a free game look pretty damn good. Admittedly Warframe is still the pinnacle of free games in my opinion, in case you are looking for a bench mark. Planetside 2 also comes nowhere near that mark. The looks and sounds however are nothing to sneeze at however.

The controls function just fine as well, and in out time playing I never really had any issues that I would consider game breaking or even annoying. The layout is pretty standard, so really its hard to mess up and the aiming speed is always going to be subjective to how goo or bad it is, so tasters choice there.

The game however isn’t great and suffers from some flaws. First, it gives you no real guidance on what you should be doing. You pick a faction, but it doesn’t really tell you anything about them. I googled them prior which seems to be your only option. The game then tosses you right in with no explanation on how to even get into battle or how to really even find one. I wouldn’t call it hard to figure out, but I’ve been paying games longer than many of my readers have been alive and I mean that in a very literal way. One of my first memories is of sitting with my dad playing asteroids on Intellivision and thinking the NES was the greatest thing to ever be invented because the graphics were amazing. @torstenvblog was a bit more confused than I was, he is also a bit younger and a bit less experienced. To say its a huge problem would be an exaggeration, to say it is not a problem or could not be a problem would be a lie.

The game however with some practice and time is quite a bit of fun. I found myself using a jet pack to maneuver up a mountain to sneak around the side of a base to take a location or fighting with 5 or 6 other guys up a mountain path trying to push our way to a building wishing our idiot air support would fly over and hit something. There are long bouts of nothingness on huge maps followed by intense moments of fighting and that is where the game is very hit or miss. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Like Father (2018)

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Like Father is of course the new Netflix movie, which isn’t saying much as they seem to be multiplying like bunnies in a Viagra factory. This one is the story of a daughter left at the altar ( Rachel played by Kristen Bell) while her dad (Harry played by Kelsey Grammer) she hasn’t in 26 years shows up. They will then go out, get drunk and end up on a cruise together.

The story is pretty cliché honestly, there is absolutely nothing in this story to surprise you except that Seth Rogen (Jeff) randomly shows up as a love interest for Rachel and then just as randomly he is gone. They explain the whole thing just fine, and it’s not badly done. It’s just Seth randomly being in a movie then randomly not which honestly might be the most Seth Rogen thing possible.

Kristen and Kelsey do put on a great show and the take what easily could have been a relatively boring and forgettable movie and make it enjoyable. They feel like a real father and daughter that struggle to reconnect but have a lot in common, right down to both being workaholics to the point of it being almost an addiction. The movie isn’t great and has its issues, but its enjoyable. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.