Supernatural Season 6

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Supernatural season 6 Starts out a year after the end of season 5 with Dean living a normal life after dealing with the death of Sam after they finally end the apocalypse and defeat Lucifer and Michael. At least that is what Dean thinks. The 22 episode season will detail Dean finding out Sam is alive and Deans struggle to maintain the life he as always wanted and the life of a hunter that he loves.

There is a lot to go through and I don’t want to spoil too much, but seeing as how it aired about 8 years ago I don’t mind to much giving some of the highlights. This season you will see the rise of a new king of hell, the birth of a god and the end of the war in heaven. The show through six seasons hasn’t really lost anything and at this point it is actually quite surprising all things considered. I am still really enjoying it and it is still pretty interesting. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

House of Wax

house of wax

House of Wax was way beyond it’s time and let’s be honest, Vincent Price was spectacular in basically every movie he was in. He’ll always be my favorite classic actor and this is why…

House of Wax stars Vincent Price as a famous and talented wax sculptor who looses everything in what appears to be accident that burns down his studio, destroys his hands, and destroys his beautiful works, including his beloved Marie Antoinette. Years later, he resurfaces with a new studio. He’s confined to a wheelchair and his hands are horribly burnt but with the help of his assistant Igor, he opens a museum of torture with wax. But while his life gets back on track, a deformed killer stalks the gothic streets, talking the bodies after he’s done. Everyone joyously remarks how the wax sculptures look so lifelike, is it just a coincedence or something darker?

For a movie so old, it still openly gives me the creeps and I love it. Price steals the show, being sympathetic while being menacing and crazy at the same time. I love the creepy atmosphere and booming score. The other characters are solid and the time period adds to it. While not showy, the effects are pretty damn ahead of there time. It’s a classic and I’d recommend it for a old school horror fan. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


Wait until Dark

wait until dark

A lot of times, the best horror movies are the simplest ideas of all; in the convoluted age of today I can admire that more than ever. Wait until Dark is about a trio of criminals who lose a doll stuffed with a lot of heroin and it ends ups in the hands of a blind woman and her husband by total accident. The leader of the group takes advantage of the woman’s disability, invading there basement apartment, even going so far as to have one of his guys impersonate a police officer to try to buy them time to search for it. It’s up to Susie to uncover the mystery around her and survive with a cold blooded killer unseen in her midst.

Would I call Wait Until Dark a horror movie per say? No. I’d say a damn good suspense thriller, but not quite a horror movie. Strangely enough a lot of the movie and it’s tension revolves around how sweet and vulnerable Audrey Hepburn is; her charm hooks you almost immediately and from the get go your heart pounds when she’s in danger. Alan Arkin plays a good villain, charismatic and menacing. Like Misery , the entire movie pretty much takes place in a small, cramp space. The movie is filmed really well and has a solid score. If you’re interested in watching an older film and want a genuinely good thriller, I’d recommend it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

World’s Greatest Dad (2009)


World’s Greatest Dad is what we affectionately call, a dark comedy. Robbin Williams plays  Lance father of Kyle Clayton. Kyle is what you would call a complete douche. He treats his dad like crap, his friends has no respect for women and appreciates nothing. Lance is a wannabe writer that has written many things, but has never had anything published and teacher at his son’s school. He isn’t well liked, but he isn’t disliked. He is respected and has a girlfriend that is a teacher but the relationship is a teacher.

The problem here is Kyle has a weird I guess you could say masturbatory fetish called erotic asphyxiation. I won’t go into too much detail but basically its a dangerous practice and it kills him. Lance having found his body didn’t want him to suffer the indignity of being found that way and wrote a suicide note and moved the body to make it look more in line with that.

Afterwards things at school eventually get a bit weird when the suicide note is released at the school news paper. Suddenly Kyle was loved and popular, because as well all know everyone loves you when you are gone. But this isn’t where the story ends. Seeing how everyone has actually been helped by all this, Lance writes a book and claims it was written by his son. The problem is his son is basically a moron and his best friend sees through it.

I won’t spoil the rest of the movie for you, but it is well done and the acting is great. It can be a little slow-paced tho, but the story is deep and worth the slow downs. I definitely recommend checking this one out. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Zombie ( or Zombi 2)


Once upon a time, there was a dude named Lucio Fulchi; you may remember him if you caught my post of 5 great foreign horror films Well, he wasn’t a fan of the now late George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead and he took it upon himself to make his own version in a way. In a tragic, hilariously ironic kind of way, I relate to this all too well.

So we get a Dr on a beautiful tropical island who despite the protests of the native villagers has found a means to resurrect the dead. But hey, he quickly figures out a gunshot to the head brings them down quick so no huge deal right? Well, it becomes a problem when one of these undead bastards kills a ship full of people and well…we do get to see a zombie fight a damn shark, and that alone kicks ass. A reporter and the daughter of one of the murdered people trace this weird happening back to the island where the Dr is losing control of the growing horde, losing his wife in the process. Can this group of people make it off the island alive?

Zombie may not have the most original plot or memorable characters, but it’s a damn good zombie movie, despite the dubbing at times. The zombies themselves are some of my all time favorites and the musical score compliments them perfectly. There’s a lot of blood and boobs for the low brow crowd but there’s also a surprising amount of suspense and some damn fine camera work. The wife’s death is horrifically masterful and gruesome to watch. If you love zombies and want to see zombies be zombies, this is the flick for you. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Suspiria remake trailer 2

A few days ago we got a new trailer for Suspiria 2018. Suspiria 2018 trailer 1 told me right off the bat we were getting a much different kind of take on it. Seeing this more in depth trailer, I almost get a Kubrick- Shining/ Insidious vibe from it. The original always made me think of a children’s storybook because of the vibrant colors; 2018’s seems dulled down a lot by comparison. Still, the trailer enticed me and I’ve got faith it will be good on it’s own merit. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

American Horror Story: Freakshow

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Ok, before we begin, I’m going to admit I have a bias with certain topics in fiction. I have a fascination with deformations, mutations, and for a lack of a better word, freaks. I also have an affinity for the 50’s, the fashion, the clean squeaky facade of the time. The fourth American Horror Story is my favorite of the series.

The story revolves, as the title suggests, a traveling freak show in Florida during the 50’s lead by a wannabe singer Elsa Mars.We got a bearded lady, a lady with 3 boobs, a tiny woman, two “pinheads”, a telepathic two headed woman,  and a boy with ” lobster claws” as well as others. Times are tough as TV is beginning to take over and live acts are fading away. Outside the show, they do face adversity from the towns people, especially when people start turning up dead, especially kids. The town turns on the freaks, as there numbers are infiltrated by a pair of con artists who plan on selling there corpses to a different kind of side show. If all this wasn’t enough, a rich pretty boy with some psychotic tendencies falls madly in love with the two headed woman and gets a little too in love with the freakshow…

Besides my already personal bias towards the subject matter, I love all the plots at play in this season. Stylistically, from the music, clothes, and even the covers of modern day music felt really time appropriate which was awesome. I can’t really say who stood out to me, because I thought everyone did a great job. The biggest surprise I got was Neil Patrick Harris as a disturbed ventriloquist, that was awesome. The clown design freaked me the hell out. Freakshow, to me, is a good blend of horror and drama with some good music thrown in and I highly recommend it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.


Devil’s Gate (2017)

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Devil’s Gate is a movie I saw that looked pretty decent, but I honestly chose to watch because I saw it had Jessie (Milo Ventimigilia) and William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) in it and I have always been a fan of both. With them of course is Amanda Schull (Agent Daria) The story is a simple, yet complex one. Jackson Pritchard’s (Milo) wife and son go missing and Agent Daria is tasked with going to the town of Devil’s Gate North Dakota to sort everything out. Frakes (Sheriff Gruenwell) tells her to leave Jackson alone since he is a good man and wouldn’t do anything wrong. Daria of course as a good agent knows in most disappearances, whether man or woman, has something to do with their partner.

After a quick investigation Jackson pulls a gun on our agents because why the hell not. Why wouldn’t you pull a gun on the head of the investigation you’re the biggest suspect in. Daria shortly after subduing our friend Jackson and continuing the search we find something quite odd in the basement.

I don’t want to give to much of the story away, but it is all quite exciting. It won’t be long before the wife is returned, but not the son. What follows that is where the real fun begins and we start hitting the twist and turns, of which there are a few. The movie isn’t perfect, and quite a few people will see the twist coming and that’s okay as they are fairly well done. The movie isn’t perfect by any means. The dialogue at times can be cheesy but  great cast more than made up for it and the special effects at times didn’t quite hit the mark.

It should also be pointed out that there is apparently another movie with the same name on the internet that uses the same poster but is not the same movie. It is supposedly pretty bad, but I haven’t seen it nor do I plan on it. This one however whole not perfect or even great, is worth seeing. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Man of Medan announcement trailer

So good news horror game fans, we have something new to look forward to. Supermassive Studios, the crew behind Until Dawn , is launching a new horror series. The first game is called Man of Medan and looks like the next step of making a spiritual successor to Until Dawn, mainly because I don’t think you could pull off a sequel. Either way I’m excited to see what they come up with. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Some games I hate to love…


Hi, everyone. you must be wondering why you’re looking at a picture of toast right now? Well, friend, I hate that I love toast. It leaves crumbs everywhere, gets burned easy, and people automatically think you’re high when you randomly crave 5 pieces of toast and jelly at 2 in the morning. But, I don’t care, toast is awesome. I wanted to talk about some games I hate to love- fair warning, some of these games I’ve given ass reviews for but still played for one reason or another anyway. In no particular order let’s begin with the most recent on the list…

dead by daylight 1. Dead by Daylight –

This game is no masterpiece. It frankly kinda sucks alone and even with a buddy but my friends Speedy and Artemis proved that with a fair group, there’s some fun to be had at 1 in the morning.

dark souls 2 2. Dark souls 2…oh my –

The game pisses me off but I still jump in and play it. It got me through a shitty time in life and I’m grateful, but I swear this game makes me rage in ways no other Souls game has.

alienscm  3. Aliens: Colonial Marines –

This game is and will always be stinky ass cheese, but the first time I played it, I loved it. There were friends and booze and nostalgia. Subtract all this and you get a steaming pile of dookie.

borderlands ps 4. Borderlands: The Pre-sequel –

This maybe my favorite game on this list. It’s the worst of the series I admit and there is a lot of stuff in it that makes my teeth grind but the story kept me going, and I defend the story to this day.

I hope you enjoyed my list and my the gaming gods bring you glory.