Justice League, Snyder’s Cut (Savior)

As many of you know, I had a few problems with the theatrical release of this one. I truthfully went into this thinking this would be four hours of more of the same.

Honestly  there were some things absolutely loved, for example Cyborg having a much bigger and more important role really made me smile. The same can be said for Flash. Steppinwolf also looked far better. That is pretty much where my praise will end for this new version.

The new story elements really served new purpose and had a lot of plot holes, for example how did he forget something was on a planet he had literally been too? Also, why why did he bother fighting an army in the past if he could have landed literally anywhere else on Earth to succeed in what he was doing?

A lot of my issues with the original movie not only still exist, they are now worse. The pacing of the movie that was already bad now stretches out for four hours. Worse, they changed scenes entirely and dragged them out to reach that length. If you want to make a four hour movies that shouldn’t be needed.

Don’t get me wrong the movie was fun, but so was the original. This really was more of the same and unnecessary. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness trailer 2

While I’m really hyped about this as much as many I’m sure are, I’m curious what a animated Resident Evil series would be like. The animation is nice and I’m glad to see Leon and Claire reunited once again. What interests me is where this series falls into the timeline. I definitely want to check it out but I’m cautious at the same time. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Harley Quinn: The Animated series

Watch Harley Quinn: Season 1 | Prime Video

Since debuting in Batman: the animated series as Joker’s sidekick and sweetheart, Harley Quinn has become a surprise DC icon, even stealing the show in Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn . Its no wonder DC has tried to make Harley into there Deadpool and it was no surprise she got a series of her own, following her adventures free from her abusive relationship with Joker. Along with her Bff Ivy and teaming up with Clayface, Dr. Psycho, King Shark, and Ivy’s landlord, Saul, they are out to dominant the criminal underworld and have fun doing it.

Admittedly, I didn’t like the first few episodes but I quickly got warmed up to and loved the show. I love the personalities of the characters, especially Clayface, Psycho, Bane, and Shark. Oddly, Harley’s breaking away form Joker was my least favorite part of the series so far. I like the love triangle Ivy finds herself in between Harley and Kite-man and found that story more compelling. If you love DC, there are plenty of cameos ranging from the JLA to Darkseid himself. Having the show being MA means there is plenty of bloody fights, crude language, and frankly everything this series needed. It’s definitely worth checking out and I can’t wait for season 3.

Green Lantern: The Animated series

Green Lantern: The Animated Series Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

It’s no secret the Green Lantern movie is one of the most hated superhero movie of all time and with some pretty damn good reasons. I didn’t have much faith in the animated series when it debuted on Cartoon Network around the same time, more than likely to cash in on the movie. I’ve never been a fan of this kind of CGI animation style, especially as I got older, but I decided to give the series a chance, a decade after the awful movie.

Wow. Just wow. My surprise at this show is pretty damn unmeasurable. First of all, I have to stay the best part is the writing. In the series entirety, there are 2 main storylines that are well executed, both with fantastic endgames that have some pretty deep impact. I cared about the characters. Essentially we follow Hal Jordan, Killowog, Razor- a Red Lantern turned good, and AYE- their ship’s A.I turned into sentient Lantern. The show has a good blend of classic style sci-fi adventure, epic fights, emotional moments and dark themes at times but with humor that works. Pretty much this series has everything I pretty much wanted from a Green Lantern anything. The voice acting is really good with some really cool cameos sprinkled through. The show has sadly 2 things that bugged me but the first I can’t really really pin on them. The show teases some really awesome characters and story threads: Sinestro’s dark turn, Krona ( Green Lantern: Brightest Day ), a Black Lantern symbol, and Alan Scott. I can’t tell you how much I would’ve loved to see these stories unfold and see Jon Stewart, the Alpha Lanterns, Dr. Polaris, and Hector Hammond as well. The overall story ends well on its own but it does leave you wanting at least another season. The other mild complaint I have is some of the character designs look wonky because of the animation style, namely Atrocitus and Larfleeze who looked really off in my opinion. In the end, the show is a great piece of Green Lantern that’s short but sweet I recommend to DC fans. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Rick and Morty season 4

Rick and Morty (season 4) - Wikipedia

Rick and Morty, the Adult Swim cartoon turned international sensation, has returned after Rick and Morty season 3 ended with some interesting threads left untied. With the Smith family reunited, life looks back to as much normal as the drunken, mad scientist and his naïve, simple minded grandson can expect: dragon soul orgies, time warping, a story train, a fabled toilet, and a huge revelation at the season finale. The dynamic duo was back…and I’m disappointed. This season has a good opening and a pretty good end, but everything in between is pretty hit and miss. If it was any other sitcom I’d be more lenient but when a few episodes out of your 10 episode season are duds it hurts. There aren’t many times I had the feels during this season, and the humor was blah most of the time. Admittedly the overabundance of swearing got old quick. My favorite episode was the season finale, where we at least we get some plot resolutions and a badass fight. In the end, I can’t say it was damn right terrible but it wasn’t worth the wait. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Turrican Flashback Review (PS4)

Turrican Flashback, what can I besides thank you to my friends over at ININ games for tossing me another beautiful retro remake. I always love getting the chance to play these and they are quickly becoming one of my favorite companies to work with.

As always, if you aren’t a fan of retro games this isn’t going to be the collection that changes your mind. If you enjoyed the original releases though or even just like retro games and games like the old school Contra, this one is for you.

Graphically this is a massive update from the original but nothing is lost from those things we love. The explosions and such still look like they are from the SNES era but they are simply far more clean and crisp.

The sound that many remember the original for even decades later sounds better than ever and will still have you feeling nostalgic while being grateful for the improvements.

There are also a host of new things added such as the ability to rewind when you inevitably die making a badly timed jump or because like an idiot you stand in top of an enemy. I assume someone has done that. Not me, I totally didn’t do it. I am sure someone did tho. There are also different shaders and wallpapers to use but besides a quick look through I didn’t much bother with them since as you guys know they aren’t my thing.

The game play is fun yet challenging,but it’s that old school challenging. Only so many lives to go around. The rewind button was helpful to get better, but if you want trophies you have to play without that option. This bothered me however because it felt like I was being punished for an option you gave to me to use. It didn’t ruin the fun or anything it just seemed a bit odd.

The game functioned perfectly, I didnt notice any kind of graphical or sound issues and it never froze on me which is important. I enjoyed my time with it and it was a fun history lesson that many people will love. One thing it isn’t tho is a game you will want to sink hundreds of hours into. It is best played here and there when you want to kill some time. A solid 7/10. Best wishes and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Something New

This is something new, that honestly won’t happen again probably. As some of you know I did a small stint in the U.S. Army and recently I’ve had need to buy a weapon for work. Something I honestly thought I would never do again. So after some searching and thinking I picked up a Glock 17 Gen 5.

Why? I can’t say really. Couple of my friends own Glocks and they felt nice to hold and the 17 as a 9mm just seemed and felt like a nice fit. It is t overly powerful but is reliable, even fully loaded with the 17 round mags it isn’t that heavy and I feel like I could teach my kids to shoot with it just as well as protect myself at work if I unfortunately ever need to.

Thanks for listening by the way, just thought I would share my new purchase. Best wishes and may the gaming gods being you glory.

Wasteland 3 First Impressions

This is my first post in awhile personally, and there are a few reasons for that I won’t bore you guys with. Long story short I had a mild health issue that involved a ton of test that thankfully ended with me NOT having cancer. So big shout out to my friends for filling in where they could and you guys for your patience. (And apologise to anyone still waiting for any reviews)

With that out of the way, I managed to get a bit of time in with Wasteland 3 lately and I have to say I am amazed with how well this one plays. The PS4 version of Wasteland 2 is quite buggy as many people know and while 3 isn’t issue free they are minor and few and far between so far.

The game is graphically beautiful and the music amazingly sets the tone. The really big selling point tho is how well the game makes it known that your choices can and will come back to haunt you, and it really doesn’t stop you from doing messed up things. For example I killed a group of kids that I viewed as murderous traitors. At the time this seemed like a great idea, later when I had to deal with their psychotic parents tho, well it still seemed like a good idea but they pissed me off.

How you build your characters is also important. Don’t have someone that can deal with fixing machines and you may very well end up fighting extra turrets you didn’t want to deal with because you can’t shut them off. Nobody with an explosives skill? Be prepared to deal with mines and traps you can’t do anything about. It is however very hard to make a team that can do it all.

That being said the story so far is fun and I enjoy that I can mess with people during conversations. Best wishes and may the gaming gods being you glory.

Marvel’s What If…trailer

I’m on the fence here. While I think the concept is cool and the animation is surprisingly good, sadly I think I’m starting to get worn out on the MCU. Bit by bit I find myself feeling fatigue for it. The show looks pretty cool and could be a nice addition to the MCU. May the gaming gods bring you glory.

Loki trailer

I’m pretty confused what the hell is going on in this trailer and what the hell is supposed to be going in this show. I love Loki but why did he need a show of his own? He had a great arc throughout the MCU. While I’m not the most versed in Thor’s stories, I hope for the best in this series but I can’t say I’m ecited for it. May the gaming gods bring you glory.